The MakerLab
Experience the MakerLab, a multidisciplinary collaborative workspace where you can learn, explore, discover, and create in ways that foster imagination, promote creativity, and solve real-world problems. The MakerLab includes an array of 3D printers – and provides a wide selection of tools, equipment, supplies, and services including 3D printing, project consultations, and open workshops.
Accessing the MakerLab Tab Open
Programs, Classes & Events in the MakerLab Tab Closed
3D Printing Rules & Regulations Tab Closed
Accessing the MakerLab Accordion Open
The MakerLab is located in room 180 on the first floor of the Cline Library, adjacent to the front entrance. The MakerLab is open to NAU and CCC students, faculty, and staff, as well as community members during regular library hours.
Users under 18 must be accompanied by an adult and have an Assumption of Risk form on file, signed by a parent or guardian.
Programs, Classes & Events in the MakerLab Accordion Closed
The primary purpose of the MakerLab is to provide an open, publicly-accessible space for maker-related activities. As such, we do not reserve the MakerLab for exclusive use by any particular group. Groups are welcome to hold events in the MakerLab, but the room will remain open for others to use as well. Exceptions to this policy will be made on a limited, case-by-case basis for events that directly support the mission and purpose of the MakerLab.
If you would like to discuss opportunities for virtual or in-person programs or events, please complete our Programming Request Form to discuss your needs with library staff.
NAU Faculty have the opportunity to work with us to embed 3D print and design into their curriculum. We offer a course related 3D printing allotment service which will allow your department to pre-pay for course related print jobs. Faculty can track expenses for their class by visiting their course allotment page.
3D Printing Rules & Regulations Accordion Closed
The library reserves the right to refuse any 3D printing or scanning request. All 3D print requests must be paid for prior to printing and should be picked up by the individual who submitted them within 30 days of printing.
Due to the nature of our 3D printing service the Cline Library cannot guarantee model quality, stability, efficacy, or confidentiality of designs. Likewise, we cannot guarantee that submitted models will be completed within a given timeframe. Users are responsible for removing rafts and supports. Please see our reprint and voucher policy for more information.
MakerLab equipment, including 3D printers, scanners, and other items, may only be used for lawful purposes. No one is permitted to create material or engage in conduct that is:
- Prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
- Prohibited by Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) or NAU policy, including but not limited to:
- NAU Weapons Policy. Library staff will not print objects that are considered weapons, or simulated weapons, without an approved exception. If you have an approved exception, please contact the library at 928-523-6820 to arrange to have your item printed.
- Network Acceptable Use Policy
- NAU Student Handbook
- Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
- In violation of another’s intellectual property rights. For example, you cannot reproduce material subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a printing/copying/scanning order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright or other intellectual property laws.
- For primarily commercial purposes. Cline Library is prohibited by ABOR policy 1-105 and Arizona Revised Statute 41-2752 from competing with private enterprise.