Printing & Scanning
We offer a full array of printing and scanning options throughout the library.
How do I print and scan?
Printing from our desktop computers
- Select Print from your application, e.g., Firefox, Microsoft Word, etc.
- Choose either B&W (black & white) or Color
- Retrieve your job by logging in to any print release station located next to a printer.
- Pay for your print jobs through your JacksDebitExpress (JDE) account. You’re allotted 100 free pages of black and white printing per term. After that, add funds to your JDE account.
Printing from your personal laptop
- See instructions for printing from your own device.
Print jobs will remain in the queue for 2 hours.
Prints are paid for through your JacksDebit Express (JDE) Account. To add funds, please visit Jacks Print.
Log in to Web Print to see your print jobs or request a refund.
Poster Printing
Find out more about our Poster Printing Service.
Scan images
We offer two scanner options:
Scannx Book ScanCenter
11″ x 17″ scanning bed
600 DPI resolution
Epson Perfection 3170 Photo
8.5″ x 11.7″ scanning bed
3,200 x 6,400 dpi resolution, 48-bit color, 3.4 Dmax
You can scan in color or black and white. Scans will output to PDF, Microsoft Word, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG formats. Scanning is always free. Once your file is created you may:
- Save to the university Z: drive
- Download to a personal USB storage device
- Email to yourself as an attachment
- Scan to Smartphone
- Scan to your Google Drive account
How much does it cost to print?
NAU Students Accordion Closed
- As an NAU student, you can print 100 pages of black and white printing each term for free.
Thereafter, print costs are:
- $.05/page for black and white
- $.08/black and white double-sided
- $.10/page for color
- $.20/double sided color
- Pay for your print jobs by adding money to your Jacks Print account.
NAU Faculty & Staff Accordion Closed
- $.05/page for black and white
- $.08/black and white double-sided
- $.10/page for color
CCC Students, Alumni, and Guests Accordion Closed
- CCC Students, Alumni, and Community users may print 20 pages per week for free using the guest computers. Visit the Ask Us! Desk to create a free guest computing account.
Where are the printers and scanners located?
Printers are located on all three floors. See our floor maps for printer/scanner locations
Does the library offer faxing?
No, the library does not offer faxing service. The NAU Post Office offers faxing service or you may want to try using a free online faxing service such as Hellofax.