Overdue & lost material
What are Cline Library’s late fees?
All items have an associated lost item replacement fee and a one time lost item overdue fine (applied at the time the item goes to lost status).The replacement fee is refunded at the time of return. The overdue fine is not.
All fines and fees are sent to the Bursar's office 30 days after the billing date.
Laptops more than 2-weeks overdue will be remotely locked and MUST be returned in order to unlock them.
Item type | Goes to lost status at: | Lost item replacement fee | Lost item overdue fine |
Books, Movies, and Music | 30 days overdue | $100 | $10 |
Laptops and Lending Equipment | 24 hours overdue | Cost of Item | $25 |
Document Delivery Service Material | 14 days overdue | $100 | $10 |
Course Reserves | 24 hours overdue | $100 | $25 |
This policy went into effect January 10, 2020.
How to appeal a library fine
If you feel a fine is incorrect or unjustified, submit an appeal.
How to pay library fines
You can pay online by logging into your library account, then click on the Pay Fine link under Fines + Fees.
You can also pay by check, money order, or credit card at our Ask Us desk. We can also take credit card information over the phone at 928-523-2173.
All library charges are transferred to your Student and Departmental Account Services (SDAS) account 30 days after the billing date.
You will receive an email stating that charges have been added to your account. Once this occurs, you will be able to pay your fine directly through LOUIE or other SDAS payment methods.
How do CCC users pay fines?
If you are a CCC user, you will pay fines at Cline Library. Blocks will be added to CCC accounts and may restrict access to services such as course registration. The CCC Registration Office cannot accept payment for library fines.
Please allow one week for a hold to be lifted after resolving your account issue. If you need to clear a hold quickly, the CCC Registration Office or Library and Learning Resources Coordinator can remove the hold from your account upon seeing a receipt verifying that your Cline Library account is clear of fines.
Can I provide my own replacement copy?
Yes, Depending on the item, you may be able to significantly reduce the replacement fee by providing an acceptable replacement item and paying a processing fee. Please see our policy for providing a replacement copy.