Welcome Jacks
Since 2007, Campus Living has recruited Welcome Jacks to provide valuable assistance during the fall first-year move in. Importantly, Welcome Jacks are volunteer students or Flagstaff community members who:
- welcome new Lumberjacks to first-year Campus Living Communities
- help community members and their guests unload vehicles and take items to living spaces
- create a welcoming and vibrant experience for everyone
- earn service hours for themselves and/or their organization
For this role, Welcome Jacks receive training so that they are well-equipped to help during fall move-in!
Sign up
Student Welcome Jack Movers volunteer sign-up will begin by May in the housing portal. The priority sign-up date will be July 15.
Student perks Accordion Closed
Student volunteers in NAU-managed housing can move in early on Monday, August 18, 2025. They must select a move-in time in the housing portal that day. Early move-in fees will be waived upon completing Welcome Jack responsibilities. Additionally, volunteers will get:
- a free Welcome Jacks hat for their shift
- a letter verifying service hours
Welcome Jack Movers training sessions Accordion Closed
Welcome Jack Movers volunteers must attend a mandatory training session.
- Monday, August 18 from 5:30-6:30 PM in Prochnow Auditorium on the NAU Flagstaff campus
Welcome Jack Movers volunteer shifts Accordion Closed
Volunteers will select at least one work shift (maximum of six) from the following options:
- Tuesday, August 20, from 7:45–11:45 a.m.
- Tuesday, August 20, from 11:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, August 20, from 3:15–7:15 p.m.
- Wednesday, August 21, from 7:45–11:45 a.m.
- Wednesday, August 21, from 11:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, August 21, from 3:15–7:15 p.m.
- Thursday, August 22, from 7:45–11:45 a.m.
- Thursday, August 22, from 11:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
- Thursday, August 22, from 3:15–7:15 p.m.
Named large-group partners
Thank you to all volunteers who have helped make the Welcome Jacks program successful over the years! The dedication from the group leaders and members in these specific programs is seen and appreciated. They each provide over 1,200 hours of service annually to the Welcome Jacks program!
- The Edge Leadership Program
- Lumberjack Marching Band
- Swimming & Diving
If you represent a group that will have over 25 volunteers and your group would like to be a “named large-group partner,” please reach out to us at WelcomeJacks@nau.edu. If your group or organization wants to help with move-in, we encourage leaders to send the draft recruitment email below directly to members.
Draft recruitment email to student group members Accordion Closed
Hello [insert group name],
Our group is excited to volunteer as Welcome Jacks so that we can provide move-in volunteer assistance to incoming first-year NAU students! Knowing [insert group name] well, I believe that we can be a positive addition to the volunteer numbers. I would like as many members as possible to sign up to be a Welcome Jack volunteer!
The website (https://nau.edu/campus-living/welcome-jacks/) provides details about volunteering including the sign-up link, requirements, and perks. You’ll see that our group can accrue volunteer hours! While our members must wear the Welcome Jack volunteer shirt, we can talk with incoming students about [insert group name] as we help them with their move-in. Important notes:
- Please complete your sign-up by [insert date; before July 15 is preferred]. I want you to sign up individually so that you can indicate your personal preference for your training session and volunteer shift(s).
- Ideally, each member is signing up for [insert desired number of shifts for your group] shift(s).
- In your sign-up form, please note your membership to this group and request the letter verifying service hours. This allows us as group leaders to request a final report for member participation.