NAU News
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Marketing and Communications
Filming and Photography on Campus
This policy governs filming and photography on all property owned by or otherwise under the control of Northern Arizona University. While incidental filming and photography for non-commercial, personal use by students, employees, visitors, or the general public is allowed—provided that such activity does not impede or interfere with the University’s normal functioning—filming or photography for commercial or for-profit purposes or uses is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the University. Commercial filming or photography requests may be submitted to Please allow two weeks for processing. Proof of suitable general liability and worker compensation insurance coverage is mandatory. The University’s name, trademarks, logos, official seals, licensed music, or other indicia may only be filmed any form with the prior written consent of the University or in accordance with applicable law.
Responsible Executive: Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff
Responsible Office: NAU Communications
Effective Date:
Last Revised: Not Applicable
Contact: NAU Communications
View the DRAFT Policy
Filming requests