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Student Affairs
Student Code of Conduct Procedures
The Northern Arizona University Student Code of Conduct is promulgated by the Arizona Board of Regents and governs student behavior at all three institutions that comprise the Arizona university system. Students enroll at NAU with the understanding that they must abide by these rules, and that violations may result in serious disciplinary sanctions, up to and including suspension or the expulsion from the University. NAU enforces its Student Code of Conduct in a manner that allows for neutral fact-finding and decision-making in the context of an educational community that encourages reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness to constructive change, and respect for individual rights.
For acts that constitute violations of law and University policy, students may be accountable to both civil authorities (city, county, state or federal) and the University. NAU’s disciplinary processes may proceed before, during or after the pendency of criminal proceedings. These actions are administrative in nature, are not legal proceedings, and are independent of any action taken by law enforcement. Student conduct cases involving allegations of general violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be resolved according to these disciplinary procedures. Allegations of harassment or sexual misconduct will be resolved according to the University’s policy on Student Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Misconduct.
Please note: the University may from time to time revise these procedures as necessary; such revisions may apply to grievances ongoing at the time the revisions are made, unless the effect of the revisions is to reduce the rights of Respondents. In such an event, the version of the procedures that were in effect at the time of the alleged violation will apply.
Responsible Executive: Vice President for Student Affairs
Responsible Office: Dean of Students
Effective Date: January 1, 2016
Last Revised: January 13, 2025
Contact: Dean of Students
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