For more information about this policy, contact University Marketing
NAU's Trademark Licensing Website
Use the feedback form to provide input about this policy.
NAU's Trademark Licensing Website
Use the feedback form to provide input about this policy.
Marketing and Communications
Trademark Licensing and Registration
Northern Arizona University’s trademarks and vendor licensing program exists to protect the name, logos, marks and trademarks of Northern Arizona University, as well as to enhance the image of the University by authorizing the use of its marks on high-quality and tasteful merchandise and apparel. The program also exists to ensure that the University receives appropriate commercial value for the use of its trademarks and logos as well as to actively enforce any unauthorized or inappropriate use.
Responsible Executive: Chief Marketing Officer
Responsible Office: Marketing Department
Effective Date:
Last Revised: Not Applicable
Contact: Trademark and Licensing Manager
View the EXISTING Trademark Registration Policy
View the DRAFT Replacement Policy
Service mark