For More Information
Read the policy on policies to learn how University Policies are developed and administered.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the University Policy Library?
The University Policy Library is NAU’s official online repository for all University Policies and their ancillary documents. Should a conflict or inconsistency arise between an official University Policy Library document and a version obtained from any other source, the University Policy Library document will govern.
What is a University Policy?
University Policies are official University directives that govern the operations of the University or the delivery of its programs or services. University Policies often substantially affect the procedural or substantive rights, duties, or obligations of University community members.
What is an Academic Policy?
Academic Polices are internal directives that establish or guide the University’s academic standards or pedagogical mission.
What are Unit-Level Policies?
Unit-Level Policies are policies promulgated by and applicable only at the divisional, college, office, program, or activity level.
How do I display a University Policy on my webpage?
All University webpages referencing University Policies must link directly to the University Policy’s official “landing page” within the University Policy Library, not directly to the policy document.
What is a Responsible Executive?
A Responsible Executive is a senior executive and member of the President’s Cabinet, who serves as the “policy owner”. The Responsible Executive creates, implements, ensures compliance with, is responsible for, and continually oversees a University Policy and any associated Procedures within their jurisdiction.
Can I propose a new policy or an improvement to an existing policy?
A University employee may propose a new University Policy or revision to an existing University Policy by forwarding the proposal through their chain of command to the Responsible Executive. Additionally, anyone in the NAU community may send policy proposals and feedback to
Can I post a “Unit-Level Policy” in the University Policy Library?
No. The University Policy Library only houses university-level policy documents, known as “University Policies,” and their related materials. Unit-Level Policies should be posted on the unit’s webpages.
What is the difference between a “policy” and a “procedure”?
A policy is an internal governing directive that establishes what should be done. A procedure is a specific set of actions or instructions and serve to implement a policy.
What if policies conflict external mandates?
NAU’s policies must comply with all applicable superior authorities. Additional information is available in Section III of the policy on the Development and Administration of University Policies.
Why are certain terms capitalized on this website?
Certain special terms are capitalized throughout this website, just as they are in University Policy documents, to indicate that they have been given a particularized or technical meaning under an NAU policy. Each University Policy document includes a “Definitions” section that identifies such special terms used therein. For purposes of interpreting words and phrases in University Policies that are not otherwise defined, everyday and common usages and understandings apply, and external sources may be consulted for guidance.