Three SICCS researchers were named among the first cohort of nineteen NEON Ambassadors. NEON, the National Ecological Observatory Network, is the world’s leading continental scale ecological research infrastructure. NEON’s Ambassador Program is envisioned to empower and connect researchers and educators who are eager to engage with their communities. They will help their communities use NEON to accelerate scientific discovery, enhance educational opportunities, increase diversity and inclusion of the scientific community, and/or inform public policy. Meet… Read more
Congratulations Dr. Vigil-Hayes on receiving Best Paper Award at ACM CSCW conference
Morgan Vigil-Hayes’ ACM CSCW paper on co-designing mobile health systems to be culturally relevant to Native American youth received a Best Paper Award as well as a Recognition for Contributions to Diversity and Inclusion. The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing is the premier venue for research in the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. A full list of papers that received recognitions can be found here.
This award-winning paper included… Read more
New National Greenhouse Gas Information Service proposed by NAU scientist
NAU scientist Dr. Kevin Gurney and colleague Dr. Paul Shepson (Stonybrook University) have proposed a new national greenhouse gas information service to meet the challenges of climate change and accelerate emissions reductions in the US. After highlighting the problems with the current ad hoc voluntary approach, the pair outline what a service could deliver and what the next steps are for making this a reality in the US and potentially propagating this across the planet. Especially prescient as the… Read more
NAU’s BS in Informatics ranked in the top 13 in the nation
The bachelor’s of science in informatics (BSI), a degree option in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS) has recently been ranked by Bachelors Degree Center as one of the best programs in the nation. This ranking is based on factors such as cost, reputation, and student outcomes. The BSI program will allow students to integrate cutting-edge tools and skills from data analytics, data science, computer science, statistical analysis and modeling with fundamental knowledge from… Read more
Prestigious NSF CAREER award supports integration of research, undergraduate training in parallel computing
Computer scientist and astroinformaticist Mike Gowanlock, an assistant professor at Northern Arizona University’s School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, was recently awarded a $411,964 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The award will support Gowanlock’s research in the emerging field of parallel computing architectures needed to process large volumes of data generated by major astronomical surveys, including the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). Read More.
SICCS Researchers publish on food supply chain shocks in Nature
SICCS Researchers Ben Ruddell and Richard Rushforth published research modeling the resilience of US cities to food supply chain shocks in the journal Nature; Supply chain diversity buffers cities against food shocks | Nature. Read more.