The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Fall Research Symposium was held on Friday, November 30, 2018, in Ashurst Hall. Over 160 posters were presented during the event, involving 341 participants and 27 faculty sponsors from throughout the college. The fall symposium provides a much anticipated opportunity for students from the Department of Psychological Sciences to present research they conducted during Introductory Undergraduate Research (PSY 279), Undergraduate Research (PSY 485), or Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (PSY 302W)… Read more
Application for PSY 279 and PSY 485 Programs is Now Online

PSY 279, PSY 485 and PSY 486C partner undergraduate students with a faculty member to work on faculty-led or student-led research projects. Students can sign up for 1–3 credit hours of PSY 279 or 485 per semester. However, only a total of 6 credit hours of individualized instruction (e.g., PSY 279,… Read more