Alternative Honors Credits
Other avenues to meet your Honors requirements:
Honors contract
An Honors Contract allows you to earn Honors credit for regularly-offered classes “by contract.” Courses offered by contract must be upper-division, and require a unique agreement between the student (or group of students) and the instructor. Such contracts must be approved by the Honors College Dean or designee and are an actual enrollment transaction to drop the non-H class and add the -H class. Proposals approved more than 4 weeks after the deadline to drop/add should expect to be assessed late enrollment fees. Students MUST be enrolled in a non-H section of the class prior to review of the proposal.
Study abroad
If you plan to study internationally while at Northern Arizona University, make sure to meet with an Honors adviser before you go to discuss the possibility of earning Honors credit while abroad. Please also be sure to review this helpful document about studying abroad. Lots of good info in here including how to earn Honors Capstone credit abroad!
Independently-arranged coursework
Is there a topic that you have always wanted to study, but can’t find a class that covers it extensively? If you don’t see a course listed that truly taps into your passions, we encourage you to apply for independent course work. If approved, your independent study counts towards your honors requirements. Find proposal forms for independently-arranged Honors credits here.
The areas of independent studies are:
- Undergraduate Research (HON 485)―an opportunity for you to pursue original thought on a topic of your choice.
- Independent Study (HON 497)―You and a professor decide on an individualized area of study.
- Directed Readings (HON 475)―A professor will guide selected readings and meet one-on-one with you to discuss the readings.