School of Earth & Sustainability
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Current SES Seminar Series
Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be 4-5p on Tuesdays in Geology 103.
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Date, Time, Location | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
21-Jan, 4-5p Science Annex Rm 106 | Deborah Huntzinger, NAU SES | Polar Explorer: A Place-Based Virtual Learning Environment to Improve STEM Undergraduate Education |
28-Jan | Emma Lodes, Arizona State University | Climate controls on river incision Examples from Chile and Hawaii |
4-Feb | Veronica Prush, New Mexico Tech | Mechanical conditions for throughgoing rupture of fault complexities: A case study from the Altyn Tagh fault, northwest China |
10-Feb, Monday, 4-5p, Geology 223 | Grant Ferguson, 2025 NGWA Darcy Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan | Deep Groundwater and Deep Time |
11-Feb | Melanie Barboni, Arizona State University | Moonstruck: blessing and curse |
18-Feb | Rebecca Best, NAU SES | Past and future climate impacts on riparian forests of the Southwest: adaptation and acclimation in Fremont cottonwood |
25-Feb | Harold Tobin, University of Washington | Megathrust… Or Bust? The Saga of the IODP NanTroSEIZE Subduction Zone Ultradeep Drilling Project |
26-Feb, Weds, 11:30-12:30, Geology 103 | Heather Elliott, Arizona Hydrological Society | TBA |
4-March | Camila Donatti, Conservation International | The critical role of nature in climate change adaptation |
11-March | SPRING BREAK | |
18-March | Christine Regalla, NAU SES | TBA |
25-March | Margaret Moore, NAU, Sch of Forestry | TBA |
1-April | Greg Barron-Gafford & Brit Palomarez, University of Arizona | TBA |
8-April | Tom Lamont, University of Nevada, Las Vegas | TBA |
15-April | TBA | TBA |
22-April | TBA | TBA |
29-April | TBA | TBA |
Past Seminar Series
Fall 2024 seminars
Date, Time, Location | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
4-Sept | Drew Eppehimer, USGS | Drought, water storage, and an invasion: Designer flows to stop the establishment of smallmouth bass in the Grand Canyon |
11-Sept | Eduardo Contreras-Reyes, University of Chile, Chile | Vp/Vs structure across oceanic ridges in the Pacific from active seismic constraints |
18-Sept | Aubrey LaPlante, NAU SES | Grad School 101: Tips and tricks to a successful application. Couldn't attend? Click here to check out the presentation! |
25-Sept | Gianmarco del Piccolo, University of Padova, Italy | P-wave imaging of stress and dike patterns at Etna volcano |
2-Oct | Mark Salvatore, NAU Astronomy and Planetary Science | Into the cold: Uncovering the unique geological and ecological processes at work in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica |
9-Oct | Neha Gupta, University of Arizona | Supporting Arizona Water Resources Management through the Arizona Tri-University Recharge and Water Reliability Project. |
16-Oct | Steve Blackwell, Desert Botanical Garden | Caring for the Rare: Conservation Efforts to Save Threatened and Endangered Plants at the Desert Botanical Garden |
23-Oct | Colin Dundas, USGS | Coming up dry: Testing aqueous origins for active features on Mars |
30-Oct | Susan Beck, University of Arizona | Oceanic Ridge Subduction along the South America Convergent Margin – What Do We Know? |
6-Nov | Madison Myers, Montana State University | Reconstructing a Supereruption from the field |
13-Nov | Laura Wasylenki, NAU SES | The modern marine cycle of nickel (a crucial micronutrient) and how nickel isotopes are helping us learn how it works |
15-Nov, 12-1p, Geology Rm 103 | Geraldo Wilson Fernandes | A Broader Perspective: Biodiversity and Conservation Beyond the Amazon |
20-Nov | Marine Denolle, University of Washington | Tracking temporal changes in the subsurface structure near faults and populated areas |
4-Dec | Richard Rushforth, NAU SICCS | TBA |
Spring 2024 seminars
Date, Time, Location | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
23-Jan | Steven Sempken, ASU | Comparative Studies of Learning Outcomes of Place-Based Virtual and In-Person Field Experiences in Geoscience |
2-Feb, 11:30-12:30, GLG223 | Matt Beck, CSU Long Beach | Fiber Optic Distributed Sensing as a Window on Subsurface Flow |
5-Feb, 11:15-12:15, Physical Sciences 103 | Karletta Chief, ASU | University-Community Research Response to COVID-19 amplified food, energy, and water (FEW) insecurities on the Navajo Nation |
9-Feb, 11:30-12:30, Geology 223 | Suzanne Affinati, NAU | Fluid infiltration of the continental crust during Laramide flat-slab subduction: Preliminary findings and project goals |
13-Feb | Gordon Haxe | Oceanic Peridotite in the Desert — Arizona’s Laramide Low-Angle Subduction Channel |
20-Feb | Gabe Epstein | Fluid Flow in Subduction Zones |
27-Feb | Eva Baransky, Phoenix Eskridge-Aldama, and Leah Marshall | SES JEDI survey - annual results and discussion |
3-March | Jack Williams, UW Madison | TBA |
12-March | SPRING BREAK | |
19-March | Don Bills, Arizona Hydrological Society | 2023 AHS Intern Scholarship review and presentation of the 2024 intern and academic scholarship programs |
26-March | Mark Windschitl, University of Washington | Teaching Climate Change: Fostering Understanding, Resilience, and a Commitment to Justice |
2-April | Estella Atekwana, UC Davis | Biogeophysics: Geophysical Sensors for Biogeochemical Hotspots and the Search for Life |
3-April, 11:30-12:30, Physical Sciences Room 103 | Estella Atekwana, UC Davis | Preparing a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive 21st century geoscience workforce |
8-April, 3:30-4:30p, Physical Sciences Room 103 | Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert, ASU | What lies beneath: Who lives miles beneath the seafloor and what are they up to? |
19-April, 11:30-12:30, Geology 223 | Ralph Hopkins | Great Voyages – Adventures with the National Geographic Fleet |
23-April | Ben Rostron, U Alberta | Geology and hydrogeology at AQUISTORE: Canada’s first CO2 storage project associated with a commercial-scale coal-fired power plant |
30-April | Jim Sample, NAU | My Year of Water |
Fall 2023 seminars
Date, Time, Location | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
6-Sept, 11:15a-12:15p, SHB 105 | Joey Nelson, Heirloom Carbon Technologies | Locking Contaminants in Minerals and Unlocking LGBTQIA+ Potential in STEM and Climate Fields |
13-Sept | Diana Calvo, NAU Department of Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Environmental Engineering | Community-based and Translational Research: Water Security in Indigenous Communities |
20-Sept | Tom Fleischner, Prescott College | Why Natural History Matters |
27-Sept | Joe Little, NAU College of Business | Interdisciplinary Research Tales from the 49th State: An Economist’s Experience with the Challenges and Pitfalls of Conducting Integrated Research in Alaska |
4-Oct | Abe Springer, NAU | Stories told by springs, caves, and lectures from sabbatical |
11-Oct | Margaret Redsteer, University of Washington Bothell | Defining Environmental Challenges Through Transdisciplinary Approaches, a Case Example from the Navajo Nation, southern Colorado Plateau |
19-Oct, 4-5p, Geology 223 | Demian Saffer, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics | Wiring Plate Boundary Faults Beneath the Ocean: Recurring and Triggered Slow Earthquakes Near the Trench |
26-Oct, Thursday | Dave Cook, Aspect Consulting | A Career of Geohazards: Come have a conversation with Environmental Geologist Dave Cook (MS ‘91) about environmental consulting, geohazards, contaminant cleanups, water scarcity, and a story or two about Colorado Plateau geology and river rafting. |
1-Nov | Enrique R. Vivoni, Arizona State University | Engaging Water Managers in the Future of the Colorado River Basin |
6-Nov, Monday | Jane Willenbring, Stanford University | TBA |
15-Nov | Deborah Tosline, Bureau of Reclamation | Nature-Based Infrastructure to Manage Stormwater Flows, Optimize Water Resources and Support Ecosystems |
22-Nov | No Seminar | |
29-Nov | Jamie Awe, NAU Department of Anthropology | Long-term Drought, Human Responses, and Consequences: Comparing the Ancient Maya with Modern Brazil, Spain, and the American Southwest |
6-Dec | María de los Reyes Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution, Montpellier | Palaeoecological insights in coastal landscape evolution - Late Holocene vegetation changes in Southern California |
Spring 2023 seminars
Date | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
24-Jan | Sarah Praskievicz, UNC Greensboro | Living rivers: Ecohydrology and biogeomorphology of rivers in the Southeast US |
31-Jan | SES Graduate Students | Diversity & Inclusion in SES: Annual Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Survey Results |
7-Feb | Kerry Grimm, SES and Ecoculture | Human dimensions of blue carbon ecosystems: Managers, communities, and funders of mangroves and seagrass conservation and restoration in Latin America and the Caribbean |
14-Feb | SNOWSTORM: Eric Scholl postponed to Th, Mar 9 | NO SPEAKER |
21-Feb | Matthew Sprague, Arizona Hydrological Society undergrad intern | The Charles C. Avery Internship Experience |
28-Feb | Jeffrey Templeton, Western Oregon U | Evidence for dynamic magmatic processes at Newberry Volcano, Central Oregon |
7-Mar | Natalie Koch | Arid Empire: The Entangled Fates of Arizona and Arabia |
9-Mar (THU 4-5pm) | Eric Scholl, USGS | Understanding connections between geomorphology, animal communities, and food webs in large riverscapes |
21-Mar | Vernon Morris, ASU | POSTPONED |
28-Mar | Catalina Morales-Yáñez, Fundación Geonautas | Inclusion of Women in Scientific Spaces |
3-Apr (MON 3-4pm) | Paloma Medina, UC Santa Cruz | Looking for Marla: At the Intersection of Sex Chromosome Evolution, Culture, and Gender |
4-Apr | Jesse Lewis, ASU | Wildlife populations across ecological gradients: case studies in urbanization and fire ecology |
11-Apr | Israel Borokini, UC Berkeley | Models of species niche and distributions as scientific tools for hypothesis testing |
25-Apr | Emily Hite | Hydrosocial territories of climate governance: examining the Indigenous-hydropower nexus |
2-May | Tom Fleischner | Why Natural History Matters |
Fall 2022 seminars
Date | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
14-Sep | Alexander Bartels | Identifying areas of future volcanic activity for safe long-term storage of high-level radioactive waste |
21-Sep | Katherine Stewart, U of Saskatchewan | Recovery and restoration of biological soil crust communities and function in disturbed northern soils |
28-Sep | Joseph Byrnes, NAU | Seismic architecture of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the western United States from joint inversion of body and surface wave observations: Distribution of partial melt in the asthenosphere |
4-Oct (TUE 4-5pm) | Helen Janiszewski, U of Hawaii | Imaging Trans-Crustal Magmatic Systems with Receiver Functions: A Path Towards Linking Tectonic and Eruptive Processes |
10-Oct (MON 4-5pm) | Lauren Pharr | Wings of Change: climate change, woodpeckers and science communication! |
19-Oct | John Giordanengo, AloTerra Restoration Services | Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies (to a sustainable state) |
26-Oct | Daniel Portner, ASU | Trials and tribulations of seismically imaging the magma plumbing system |
2-Nov (Zoom only) | Kenneth Ridgway, Purdue U | Cenozoic flat-slab subduction processes and the tectonic development of southern Alaska; emphasizing STEM engagement with Native American students and their communities |
9-Nov (WED 4-5pm, Science Annex 106) | Kent Redford, Archipelago Consulting | Strange Natures: Conservation of Nature in the era of synthetic biology |
16-Nov | Ian Harrison, Conservation International | Integrative Solutions for Freshwater Conservation |
30-Nov (Zoom only) | Rebecca Gruby, Colorado State U | More than funders: Philanthropic foundations as agents of environmental governance |
7-Dec | Brian Healy, USGS | Responses of large river fishes to conservation actions: the potential role of tributaries in maintaining imperiled species’ populations |
Spring 2022 seminars
Date | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
Jan-25 | Abe Springer, SES | Upland Land Management Influences on Hydrogeologic Processes |
Feb-1 | Joellen Russell, University of Arizona | Changing Climate, Winds and the Deep Blue Sea |
Feb-8 | Ryan Porter / Mike Smith, SES | Sabbatical talks |
Feb-15 | Larry Stevens, Springs Stewardship Institute | Ecology and Sustainability of Spring Ecosystems |
Feb-22 | Nancy Johnson / Nick McKay, SES | Sabbatical talks |
Mar-1 | Barbara Carrapa, University of Arizona | |
Mar-8 | Benjamin Keisling, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | |
Mar-15 | SPRING BREAK | |
Mar-22 | Mallory Rakowski, Arizona Hydrological Society Mentorship Report | |
Mar-29 | Duan Biggs, Olajos-Goslow Chair in Environmental Science and Policy, SES | Connecting Conservation on the Colorado Plateau Globally |
Apr-5 | Allison Cluett, SES | Evaluating past climate-ice sheet sensitivity on Greenland with precipitation isotope proxies |
Apr-12 | Laura Larocca, SES | The Holocene history of Arctic glaciers: Insights into past climate and the future evolution of Earth’s cryosphere |
Apr-19 | Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta, University of Arizona | Cultivating Science, Justice, and Action through Participatory Research |
Apr-26 | Peter La Femina, Penn State University | Magma-Tectonic Interactions in Central America |
Fall 2021 seminars
Date | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
9/8/21 | Justin Hagerty Astrogeology Science Center, USGS | The rise of the USGS in space exploration |
9/15/21 | Michael Kotutwa Johnson, Hopi Tribe and Native American Agriculture Fund | Conservation: A Pathway Forward on American Indian Lands |
9/22/21 | Tom Finger, Assistant Professor of Environmental History, NAU | How can knowing our past help build sustainable communities in the future? (Food history and the history of capitalism through an environmental lens) |
9/29/21 | Sara Souther, SES, NAU, and the Emory Oak Collaborative Tribal Restoration Initiative | Conservation of traditional harvest practices in the Southwest |
10/6/21 | Alder Saxena, NAU Department of Anthropology | |
10/13/21 | Buyung Agusdinata, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University | |
10/19/21 (TUES 4-5 pm) | Jess Tierney, Geosciences, University of Arizona | Global climate evolution since the Last Glacial Maximum: New perspectives from paleoclimate data assimilation |
10/20/21 | Frank von Hippel, Environmental Health Sciences, University of Arizona | |
10/27/21 | Britta Jensen, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta | |
11/10/21 | Kerry Grimm, SES, NAU, and EcoCulture | |
11/17/21 | Nicholas Enwright (BY ZOOM), USGS, Lafayette, LA | Monitoring and predicting habitat change in dynamic coastal environments |
11/30/21 (TUES 4-5 pm) | Grad Students | AGU presentations |
12/1/21 | Jessie Pearl, The Nature Conservancy | Reconstructing Late Holocene coastal climate and extreme events using multi-proxy records |
Spring 2021 seminars
Date | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
1/13/21 1pm WEDNESDAY | Earth Water Fire Seminar Series | GOOD FIRE: Reinstating a natural process in dry forest ecosystems |
1/19/21 | Justin Estep, NAU SES | The Evolution of Oceanic Crust and its Role in Earth Systems |
1/20/21 1pm WEDNESDAY | Earth Water Fire Seminar Series | Defending our Federal Lands |
1/27/21 1pm WEDNESDAY | Earth Water Fire Seminar Series | World Leadership for Conservation: The 30x30 Campaign |
2/2/21 | Michael Erb, NAU SES | Reconstructing global temperature of the past 12,000 years using a network of proxy records |
2/9/21 | Lucas Bair, USGS | Integrated assessment of ecosystem management and hydropower generation in endangered species recovery |
2/16/21 | Chris Atchison | Moving beyond tradition: Universally-designed, field-focused teaching and learning in the geosciences |
2/23/21 | Jenny Suckale, CIG Distinguished Speaker | To slide or to flow: Studying extremes in different natural systems sheds light on common physical processes |
3/2/21 | Kaustubh Thirumalai, University of Arizona | Methane, Monsoons, and Milankovitch Modulation of Millennial-scale Climate Variability |
3/9/21 | D&I Film Screening | Picture a Scientist |
3/16/21 | Joe Colgan, USGS Denver | Tectonic evolution of the Basin and Range and Yellowstone hotspot |
3/23/21 | William Hawley, Columbia University | Examining the connection between mantle flow, plate evolution, and surface tectonics in the Pacific Northwest |
3/30/21 | ||
4/6/21 | Sebastián Ballari, CONICET, Argentina | Ecology and conservation in Patagonia: challenges and opportunities |
4/13/21 | Hannah Abuzaineh, The North Face | Inclusivity in the Outdoors |
4/20/21 | Emily Schottenfels, NAU SES |
Fall 2020 seminars
Date | Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
9/8/20 | Andrew Christ, University of Vermont | A multi-million-year record of glaciation and vegetation preserved beneath 1.4 km of ice at Camp Century, northwestern Greenland |
9/15/20 | Abe Springer, NAU SES | Making your science impactful beyond the community of scholars |
9/22/20 | Meghann Jarchow, University of South Dakota | Western Corn Belt: Climate Change and Policy Conflicts |
9/29/20 | Nels Iverson, NM Bureau of Geology | Antarctic Volcanism: How volcanoes, ice, and climate interact |
10/1/20 THURSDAY | Jani Ingram, NAU Chemistry & Biochemistry | Environmental Health Studies on Navajo Lands |
10/6/20 | Emerson Lynch, NAU SES | TBA |
10/13/20 | Peter Friederici, NAU Sustainable Communities | TBA |
10/20/20 | Brian Richter, NAU | Is my Burger Killing a River? The Roots of Water Scarcity in the Colorado River |
10/27/20 | Meghan McCarroll, University of Denver | TBA |
11/3/20 | Michael Ort, NAU SES | TBA |
11/10/20 | SES Diversity Committee | Diversity & Inclusion in SES: Graduate Survey Results and Updates |
11/17/20 | Julie Brigham-Grette, UMass Amherst/Distinguished Lecturer with Continental Scientific Drilling Division | The Impact of Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia, on our Knowledge of Polar Climate: this changes everything |
Spring 2020 seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
1/21 | Hilairy Hartnett, ASU | Chasing Carbon down the Colorado River: Characterization and Consequences |
1/28 | Doug Rumble | Clumping of 13C-D in methane, 17O-18O in oxygen, and 15N15N in nitrogen: Geological and Biogeochemical Applications. What can isotope clumping in gas molecules do for your research interests? |
2/4 | Ryan Crow, USGS | The birth and early evolution of the lower Colorado River |
2/11 | Patrick Roehrdanz & Mariano González-Roglich, Conservation International | Tools for monitoring and planning for nature conservation with sustainable development |
2/18 | Jolante van Wijk, New Mexico Tech | What creates the unique topography of East Africa? |
2/25 | Jut Wynne, NAU Biological Sciences | Addressing knowledge shortfalls in subterranean biology |
3/5, 12:45pm, Student Union Havasupai Rm AB | Stephen Porder | Campus Change to Fight Climate Change: Moving Universities Off Fossil Fuels |
3/6, 12pm, GLG 223 | Tristan Dicke, USGS and Arizona Hydrological Society Intern Scholar | Opportunities with the Arizona Hydrological Society |
3/12, 4pm, GLG Annex 304 | Jonathan Delph, University of Oregon | Controls on the spatial distribution of deep non-volcanic tremor along the Cascadia margin |
3/24 | Travis Gabriel | postponed (COVID-19) |
3/31 | Megan Mueller, Rocky Mountain Wild | postponed (COVID-19) |
4/7, 2pm | Bo Stevens, NAU School of Earth & Sustainability | Dissertation defense: What can the Matrix teach us about the future of science? (on Zoom) |
4/14 | Darrell Kaufman | The sixth IPCC assessment report and the role of paleoscience (on Zoom) |
4/28 | SES 5 min Up-Goer talks | (on Zoom) |
Fall 2019 seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
T 9/3, 4pm, GLG 111 | Gary Hix, McEllhiney Lecture | Drilling disasters and what we can learn |
9/18 | Kevin Gurney | From the Globe to Building: Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Information System |
F 9/27, 1pm, GLG 103 | Maddy Schreiber | Biogeochemical and hydrologic drivers of manganese behavior in freshwaters |
10/2 | Michael Bogan | Drought, resilience, and reincarnation in aridland streams |
10/9, 4pm, GLG 103 | Wayne Ranney | NAU to exotic landscapes: Alternative careers in informal science education |
10/16 | NO SEMINAR | |
10/23 | Benjamin Blonder | Remote sensing of genotypes, and genotype-dependent mortality in quaking aspen |
10/30 | Hanna Breetz | Sustainable energy transitions and the social dimension |
11/6 | NO SEMINAR | |
11/13 | Charles Yackulic | Past, present and future drivers of aquatic ecosystems in the Grand Canyon: the roles of water quality and water policy responses to climate change |
11/20 | Norman Kent | |
12/4 | Ian Harrison | Assessing biodiversity for conservation and management of freshwater resources |
Spring 2019 seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
1/22/2019 | Devon Marjorie Burr | Flowing and Blowing: vignettes in planetary geomorphology |
1/29 | Steve Romaniello, ASU | Astronaut pee in the mass spec: a new way to track bone calcium loss during space flight |
2/5 | Lisa Skinner, SES | Replacing the Passive Textbook: Digital Online Learning to Enhance Science Courses |
2/13 (WEDS) 11:30-12:30 in GLG 103 | Jim Wittke, SES | Evidence for an Airburst at 12,800 BP from Abu Hureyra Tell, Syria |
2/19 | Kurt Sundell | New insights into the Cenozoic Altiplano stratigraphy of southern Peru through application of novel detrital zircon data visualization and quantitative interpretation methods |
2/26 | Richard Telford | A test of the reproducibility of high-resolution palaeoenvironmental reconstructions |
3/5 | Joe Mihaljevic, SICCS | Understanding infectious disease dynamics by confronting models with data |
3/12 | Debbie Huntzinger, SES | Endpoints and Pathways: Do models get the land Carbon sink correct and for the right reasons? |
3/19 | SPRING BREAK | |
3/26 | John Doherty of Watermark Numerical Software (Darcy Lecturer) National Groundwater Association | Starting from the problem and working backwards |
4/2 | Darcy Hitchcock | The Sustainability End-Game |
4/9 | Jeffery Stone | A Holocene Record of Diatom Evolution and Hydroclimate Variability from Cumbres Bog |
4/16 | CANCELED | |
4/19 | Mike Darin, SES | PhD Defense Seminar: Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Sivas Basin from Subduction to Collision to Escape in Central Anatolia, Turkey |
4/23 | Carrie Joseph | The effects of climate and ecological processes on engineered uranium disposal cell performance with respect to nearby subsistence-based Indigenous communities |
4/25 (THURS) 3-4pm in GLG 223 | Ulf Becker | Geographic information technologies across the petroleum industry |
4/26 (FRI) 2-3pm in GLG 103 | Casey Tierney | PhD Defense Seminar: Crystal-liquid insights into time scales and conditions of magma assembly preceding eruption of the Youngest Toba Tuff, Indonesia |
4/30 | Jeffrey Amato | The Eruptive History of the Late Eocene Schoolhouse Mountain Caldera, Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field, New Mexico |
Fall 2018 seminars
Date | Speaker | Organization | Title |
M 8/27, 4pm, PS 103 | Donna Shillington | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory/Columbia University | Diet affects behavior: how ingested fluids and sediments control Alaska subduction zone earthquakes |
T 8/28, 12:30pm, GLG 223 | James Gaherty | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory/Columbia University | An ocean-bottom view of mantle flow and lithosphere formation beneath Earths largest tectonic plate |
9/5 | Chloe Bonamici | New Mexico Tech | Intragrain oxygen-isotope zoning as a new tool for geospeedometry and thermochronometry |
9/12 | Laura Wasylenki | SES | What Ni isotopes can and cannot tell us about Earth’s mid-life crisis (Great Oxidation Event) |
9/19 | Tom Sisk | SES/Landscape Conservation Initiative | Cross-border Conservation: Case Studies in Science, Policy, and Landscape-level Change |
9/26 | Charles Yackulic | USGS Southwest Biological Science Center | Drivers of the aquatic ecosystem in the Grand Canyon: the future of water temperatures and the underappreciated significance of phosphorous |
10/3 | Manette Sandor | Landscape Conservation Initiative | Birds and berries: projecting the responses of seed dispersal networks to climate change |
10/10 | Peter Friederici | NAU Communication/Sustainable Communities | Are Our Communication Habits Threatening the World? |
Th 10/18, 4pm, ARD Large Pod | Jason Raucci | Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc. | Doing the Dirty Work: Case Studies from Environmental Consulting |
10/24 | Brian Petersen | NAU Geography/Sustainable Communities | Climate change and contradictions: rethinking solutions |
M 10/29, 12pm, Bldg 90 Rm 223, co-sponsored with SICCS | Tony Chang | Conservation Science Partners | Opportunities and challenges for Deep Learning in the Environmental Sciences |
10/31 | Cathy Propper | NAU Biology | From Molecular Biology to Populations: the Complexity of Understanding Environmental Contamination |
11/7 | Helen Rowe | SES | The Power of Citizen Scientists: A collaboration to deliver conservation outcomes using education, research and monitoring |
11/14 | Erika Nowak | SES | Collaborative and Student-led Research Assists Snake Conservation |
T 11/20, 1pm, GLG 223 | Kirk Schleiffarth | SES | Dissertation Defense: The origins and spatial-temporal patterns of Cretaceous-Quaternary magmatism during collisions, trench retreat, and escape tectonics in central Anatolia, Turkey |
12/5 | Ted Kennedy | USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center | Go with the Bug Flow: Colorado River ecosystem response to the 2018 Bug Flow experiment at Glen Canyon Dam |
Spring 2018
Date | Speaker | Organization | Title |
01/21 | Cody Routson | SESES | Mid-latitude net precipitation decreased with Arctic warming during the Holocene |
01/29 (ARD large pod) | Kevin Gurney | ASU | The new science of carbon footprinting and its application to carbon science, urbanization and climate policy |
02/07 | Kelsey Winsor | SESES | Indirect dating of rock glaciers in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica |
02/14 | Micheal Erb | SESES | Exploring drought and climate over the past 1000 years through paleoclimate data assimilation |
02/21 | Mark Salvatore | NAU Physics and Astrophysics | Exploring drought and climate over the past 1000 years through paleoclimate data assimilation |
02/28 | Denielle Perry | SESES | Dragons, Dams, and Dinosaurs: the Evolution of China's River Principles and Policies |
03/07 | Mellisa Yin | SESES, Society of Women Engineers | Arizona Hydrological Society Intern Scholarship Information Session |
03/12 (GLG 223) | Craig Lundstrom | Department of Geology, University of Illinois | A new view of water in magmatic systems: implications for ore deposit formation, climate control and eruption triggering |
03/28 | Marina Fisher-Phelps | NAU's Foster Lab | Mobile acoustic transects detect more bat activity than stationary acoustic point counts in a semi-arid and agricultural landscape |
04/04 | Sara Souther | LCI | Digging deeper: Population-level dynamics influence ginseng response to climate change |
04/13 | Todd Halihan | McEllhiney Lecturer | The Future of Water: Data or Instincts? |
04/18 | Robert K. Shriver | USGS Southwest Biological Science Center | From individuals to ecosystems: how environmental variability shapes ecological processes in water-limited ecosystems |
04/23 (4pm) | Masaki Hayashi | University of Calgary | Alpine Hydrogeology: The Critical Role of Groundwater in Sourcing the Headwaters of the World |
04/25 | Steven Semken | Arizona State University | Place-Based Geoscience Education: Theory, Research, Practice, and Assessment |
05/02 | Sasha Stortz and Clare Aslan | LCI | The Greater Grand Canyon Landscape Assessment: Outcomes and Futures |