Master of Music in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music
The MM in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music offers every student personalized instruction, teaching opportunities, and performance experiences, such as piano ensemble and accompanying, master classes with guest pianists, chamber music, and the NAU Concerto Competition (by audition).
Program highlights
- Renovated piano practice rooms with grand pianos.
- The NAU School of Music is becoming an All-Steinway School.
- Internationally acclaimed pianist Jeffrey Swann—Adel Artist-in-Residence and Steinway Artist—visits campus twice a year to present solo and chamber recitals, give master classes, and teach private piano lessons.
- Professional performances presented by the NAU School of Music Horizons Concert Series, Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, and Chamber Music Sedona enrich the musical culture on campus and in the community.
- Piano ensemble class welcomes a variety of special guests, include physical therapist Lynn Medoff.
- Opportunities to teach private piano lessons through the NAU Community Music and Dance Academy.
Additional application requirements
In addition to materials requested on the on-line application, prospective Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music students must submit a 15 minute audio/video recording that includes a solo piano work and a collaborative work (e.g. – a movement of an instrumental sonata and/or a set of two-three vocal works).
Recordings (disks or links to online files) should be sent to:
Piano Area Coordinator
Northern Arizona University
School of Music
Box 6040
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6040
Detailed instructions for the additional materials and the disk/file submission are included in the online application. Please begin the application process and contact the Area Coordinator if you have questions.
Piano and chamber music faculty
Dr. Frank Scott, Piano (Coordinator)
Rita Borden, Collaborative Piano
Dr. Janice Chenju Chiang, Collaborative Piano