Contact Center for STEM Teaching and Learning
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The scholarly work of CSTL members appears in a variety of national and international publications.
Campbell, T., Gray, R.E., Fazio, X., & van Driel, J. (2022). Research on secondary science teacher preparation. In J. Luft & G. Jones (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education (pp. 97-118). New York, NY: Routledge.
Pozos, R.K., Severance, S., Téllez, K., & Denner, J. (2022). Exploring design principles in computational thinking instruction for multilingual learners. Teachers College Record, 124(5), 1-19.
Whitworth, B. A., Rubino-Hare, L., & Bloom, N. E. (2021). Scaling Professional Development: Integrity of Implementation as a Measurement Approach. Science Educator, 28(3).
Clark, J., Bloom, N., Rubino-Hare, L., Barnes, C., & Ryan, S. (2021). Designing Professional Development Resources to Meet the Needs of OST STEM Educators. Afterschool Matters, 34, 30-39.
Ross, D.K., & Davidson, A. (2020). Integrating the Five Practices and Model-Based Inquiry to Facilitate Meaningful Science Discourse. Science Scope, 44(1), 43–49.
Boerner-Mercier, J., & Gray, R.E. (2020). Investigating land ethics: Exploring land usage through historical case studies and a student symposium. The Science Teacher, 87(5), 36-42.
Davidson, A., & Ross, D.K. (2019). Using the Five Practices to facilitate a meaningful discussion on plate tectonics in a middle school classroom. Science Scope, 42(6), 108-114.
Davis, A. & Gray, R.E. (2018). Understanding earthquakes through investigating the Great Sumatran Earthquake of 2004. The Science Teacher, 85(4), 40-47.
Baze, C. & Gray, R.E. (2018). Modeling Tiktaalik: Using a model-based inquiry approach to engage community college students in the practices of science during an evolution unit. Journal of College Science Teaching, 47(4), 12-20.
Publications before 2018 Accordion Closed
Askew, J. & Gray, R.E. (2017). The science of Little Boy: Investigating the chemistry behind the first use of a nuclear weapon in warfare. The Science Teacher, 84(8), 45-51.
Wheeler, L. B., Maeng, J. L., & Whitworth, B. A. (2017). Teaching assistant professional development for an inquiry-based general chemistry laboratory: Impact on teaching assistants’ knowledge and beliefs. The Journal of Chemical Education, 94(1), 19-28. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00373
Whitworth, B. A., Maeng, J. L., Wheeler, L. B., & Chiu, J. L. (2017, Advance Online Publication). Investigating the role of a district science coordinator. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21391
Askew, J., & Gray, R.E. (2016). Settling the Score: Exploring the historic debate over atomic bonding. The Science Teacher, 83(8), 49-54.
Gray, R. E., Rogan-Klyve, A., & Clark-Huyck, B. (2016). Investigating Axial Seamount: Using student generated models to understand plate tectonics. Science Scope, 40(1), 26-34.
Dass, P. M., & Spagnolo, J. T. (2016). STEM learning in middle grades by technology-mediated integration of science and mathematics: Results of Project SMILE. In M.J. Urban & D. A. Falvo (Eds.), Improving K-12 STEM Education Outcomes through Technological Integration (pp. 187 – 205). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9616-7.ch009
Duis, J., Bloom, N., Ollerton, A., Sonderegger, D., Fitz-Kesler, V. & Entin, P. (2016). Supporting STEM transfer students. Proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Gonczi, A. G., Maeng, J. L., Bell, R. L., & Whitworth, B. A. (2016). Situating computer simulation professional development: Does it influence instructional use? Computers in the Schools, 33, 133-152. DOI: 10.1080/07380569.2016.1205351
Rubino-Hare, L. A., Whitworth, B. A., Bloom, N. E., Claesgens, J. M., Fredrickson, K. M., Henderson-Dahms, C., & Sample, J. C. (2016). Persistent teaching practices after geospatial technology professional development. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 16(3). Retrieved from:
Whitworth, B.A., Beyea, S.M., & Purell, M. (2016, Winter). STEM Learning in Your Own Backyard: Designing a place-based middle school summer program. Green Teacher, (108), 21-25.
Dass, P. M., & Moore, Jr., E. (2015). Integrating science, mathematics and technology in middle grades. School Science Review, 97(359), 109 – 115.
Wheeler, L. B., Maeng, J. L., & Whitworth, B. A. (2015). Teaching assistants perceptions of a training to support an inquiry-based general chemistry laboratory course. Chemical Education Research and Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1039/c5rp00104h
Clark, J., Kirkley, J. K., & Bloom, N. (2015). Arizona STEM Focus Schools for the Future. Arizona Science Teachers Association Circular, 6(1), Winter/Spring 2015.
Monroe, M. C., Ballard, H. L., Oxarart, A., Sturtevant, V. E., Jakes, P. J., & Evans, E. (2015). Agencies, educators, communities and wildfire: partnerships to enhance environmental education for youth. Environmental Education Research, 1-17.
Dass, P. M. (2015). Teaching STEM effectively with the Learning Cycle Approach. K-12 STEM Education, 1(1), 5 – 12. doi:10.14456/k12stemed.2015.17
Rogan-Klyve, A., Halsey Randall, M., St. Claire, T., & Gray, R. E. (2015). Bringing historical scientific arguments back to life: The case of continental drift. Science Scope, 38(7), 25-33.
Whitworth, B. A., & Chiu, J. L. (2015). Professional development and teacher change: The missing leadership link. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 26(2), 121-137. doi:10.1007/s10972-014-9411-2
Wheeler, L. B., Bell, R. L., Whitworth, B. A., & Maeng, J. L. (2015). The Science ELF: Assessing the enquiry levels framework as a heuristic for professional development. International Journal of Science Education, 37, 55-81. doi:10.1080/09500693.2014.961182
Brody, M., Moe, J., Clark, J., & Alegria, C. B. (2014). Archaeology as culturally relevant science education: the poplar forest slave cabin. In J. Lea & S. Thomas (Eds.), Public Participation in Archaeology (pp. 89-104). Newcastle, UK: Newcastle University.
Wheeler, L. B., Whitworth, B. A., & Gonczi, A. L. (2014). Chemistry and engineering design: Integrated science instruction. The Science Teacher, 81(9), 30-36.
Gray, R. E. (2014). The distinction between experimental and historical sciences as a framework for improving classroom inquiry. Science Education, 98(2), 327-341. doi:10.1002/sce.21098
Gray, R. E., & Kang, N-H. (2014). The structure of scientific arguments by secondary science teachers: Comparison of experimental and historical science topics. International Journal of Science Education, 36(1), 46–65. doi:10.1080/09500693.2012.715779
Claesgens, J., Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N., Fredrickson, K., Henderson-Dahms, C., Menasco, J., & Sample, J. C. (2013). Professional development integrating technology: Does delivery format matter? Science Educator, 22(1), 10-18. Retrieved from
Dass, P. M., Wilbanks, L., Goforth, J., Graham, L., & Francis, J. (2013). “Doing science” in middle grades: Instructional coaching and modeling of a learning cycle approach promote scientific practices. In S. Koba & B. Wojnowski (Eds.), Exemplary science: Best practices in professional development, Second Edition. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press.
Clark, J., & Heath, M. (2013). Building bridges in cultural heritage management. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer Science + Business Media.