Honors Native American Summer Research Program
All currently enrolled undergraduate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students who identify with Native American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or Alaska Native heritage are encouraged to apply for the Researcher Award and/or the Summer Peer Mentor and Community Assistant Position below. The Researchers and Peer Mentor form a living and learning community on the Flagstaff Mountain Campus during the Summer First 5-week Session. The Researcher award includes the cost of tuition for 3 credits of independent research with a faculty mentor, a single room in the Honors Residential Hall, and a meal plan. All participants engage in community-building activities including a Guest Speaker Series, Research Roundtables, and a formal Luncheon and Research Showcase – all while receiving guidance and support from their cohort and from other members of tribal, local, and campus communities.
Now accepting applications!
Online Application for Student Researchers
Online Application for Student Summer Peer Mentor and Community Assistant
We celebrate the previous HNASRP Cohorts and welcome the New ’24 Cohort!
Kaylin McLiverty, HNASRP Researcher ’22, Peer Mentor ’23-’24. BS Mathematics ’23 and Gold Axe Awardee, second-year Graduate Teaching Assistant in Statistics and Winner of the Betty J. Quayle Scholarship (’23-’25). Kaylin is part of the C.A.R.E. and HNASRP Peer Mentor Team in our inaugural year of pathways programming collaboration . Read more about Kaylin and her HNASRP Research ’22 in NAU Stories.
Chiara Holgate, HNASRP Researcher ’24. Senior Health Sciences, Fitness-Wellness Major with a minor in Indigenous Health Studies. Her research is on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention with Faculty Mentor Dr. Scott Drum, Assistant Professor in Health Sciences, Fitness-Wellness.
Hailey Holiday, HNASRP Researcher ’24. Senior Biomedical Sciences Major. Her research is on Novel Pre-Vessel Filtering systems (PVFS) Mitigating Particulates Caused by Intravascular Devices with Faculty Mentor Dr. Zhongwang Dou, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering.
Salamasina Porter, HNASRP Researcher ’24. Junior Anthropology Major and minor in Humanities. Her research is in Indigenous Language Revitalization with Faculty Mentor, Dr. Gavin Healey, Assistant Professor in Anthropology and Applied Indigenous Studies.
Sara Honanie, HNASRP Researcher ’24. Sophomore Anthropology Major with a minor in Social Sciences Forensics. Her research is in Hopi Educational Systems with a focus on Boarding School Initiatives with Faculty Mentor, Dr. Darold Joseph, Assistant Professor in Educational Specialties and Director Institute for Native-serving Educators (INE).
HNASRP Cohort ’23: Kaylin McLiverty, Peer Mentor; Kaya Dickson, Kayden Vicenti, Ryan Gilbert, Cole Catron, Researchers.
HNASRP Cohort ’22: Beyonce Bahe, Peer Mentor; Matthew Greyeyes, Kaly Arvizu, Kaylin McLiverty, Researchers.