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Pathways to Research Speaker Series
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (OURCA) is offering faculty the opportunity to request a guest speaker for one of their classes to provide career guidance, offer inside information about their respective field, and relay what their pathway through research has been.
OURCA will cover expenses for inviting a guest speaker to come speak to your class either during one of the classes’ regular meeting times or at a different time if preferred otherwise.
When are requests accepted? Accordion Closed
- Requests for Spring are accepted Oct 15-Nov 1
- Requests for Fall are accepted Mar 15-Apr 1
Why bring a guest speaker to your class? Accordion Closed
- Bringing meaning and value to guest speakers by connecting industry experience with course content
- Research has shown that guest speakers can reaffirm the appropriateness of course of study decisions and career aspirations for students, as well as showing how undergraduate research can connect with core career competencies.
- Link to request will be on our Pathways to Research page on the website.
- OURCA will pay for an industry speaker and coordinate the presentation to happen during a class period (if desired)
The objective of this program is to help students connect the dots between their course content and potential career opportunities – all while understanding how research can intersect with an industry leader’s pathway
How do I submit a request for a guest speaker? Accordion Closed
The link will appear here once applications are being accepted.
Upcoming Pathways Events for the 2024-25 Academic Year