Faculty Innovators in Experiential Research and Community Engagement (FIERCE)
The Faculty Innovators in Experiential Research and Community Engagement (FIERCE) Fellowship is an opportunity for faculty to serve as the liaison between their college and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity.
Eligibility Accordion Open
Faculty interested in being a FIERCE Fellow must be full-time faculty on the Flagstaff Mountain campus with at least one year of experience working with one or more undergraduate researchers.
Fellowship Details Accordion Closed
FIERCE Fellows will be selected through a competitive process. They will be required to:
- Participate in two FIERCE meetings per semester;
- Attend department meetings within their college each semester to promote OURCA opportunities and recruit new faculty mentors;
- Promote OURCA opportunities broadly to students, faculty, and staff within the college;
- Serve as a mentor and resource within the college for faculty considering working with an undergraduate researcher;
- Provide a faculty perspective from their discipline when considering revisions to current OURCA programs or the launch of new OURCA initiatives;
- Participate in the annual Undergraduate Symposium in the spring.
Fellows will receive $3,000 in professional learning funds at the end of their term.
How to Apply Accordion Closed
Faculty interested in being considered for the FIERCE Fellowship program will need to submit an online application for review. The application closes on March 15, 2025.
Application Questions:
- First and last name
- NAU email
- Title
- College
- Department
- Why are you interested in the FIERCE Fellowship? (150-word limit)
- How will your participation in the FIERCE Fellowship contribute to your short-term and long-term professional goals? (150-word limit)
- Please provide a summary of your work in mentoring undergraduate students in research, creative activities, or scholarship. (150-word limit)
- What do you consider to be the benefits for faculty working with undergraduates in research, creative activities, or scholarship? What do you consider to be the challenges? (150-word limit)
- If selected for the FIERCE Fellowship, what will you do to contribute to undergraduate research efforts within your college? (150-word limit)
- If selected for the FIERCE Fellowship, what will you do to promote engagement between undergraduate researchers and the local, regional, or statewide community? (150-word limit)
- Upload a PDF of your CV
See full request for proposals for more details