How comfortable do you think that senior management at your organization feels talking about discrimination, race and racism?
This is one of the questions included in the Regional Health Equity Survey (RHES) that addressed the social, environmental and economic conditions that impact the health and well-being of communities in Northern Arizona––the topic for Fairness First podcast episode 3, part 1, Shared Vision for Health Equity.
Join Alexandra Samarron and Dulce Jiménez, researchers with the Center for Community Health and Engaged Research, in a conversation with Lisa Blyth, Yavapai County Regional Director for First Things First—Arizona’s early childhood agency, committed to the healthy development and learning of young children from birth to age.
Listen to how after being a participant of the RHES, Blyth has engaged in deep reflections on social justice, racial inequity, and the action needed to engage in personal and organizational level transformation to advance health equity.
The Regional Health Equity Survey (RHES) was produced by the Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative Funded by NIH 1U54MD012388. Fairness First is available on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify and other sites.