Samantha Sabo, DrPH, MPH
Caroline Mende, MA
CCPS Information Session Presentation Video.CCPS Information Session Presentation PDF.
The Campus-Community Partnership Support Program promotes partnership building between community practitioners/leaders and NAU researchers
Developing new partnerships requires time to discuss common interests and develop collaborative ideas and, in some cases, money to allow potential partners to meet face-to-face or attend a conference together. The Community Campus Partnership Support (CCPS) Program was created to help fund partnership building activities that spark collaborative health equity research ideas and build capacity for community engaged research at NAU. Administered by SHERC’s Community Engagement Core, CCPS is grounded in principles of community based participatory research that engage community leaders and members throughout the research process.
CCPS Accomplishments
Since the first round of CCPS projects in 2018, CEC has supported just under 30 campus-community partnerships. Collaborations have included a wide range of organizations working in areas like school nutrition, suicide prevention, and human trafficking. Partnerships have also engaged several Tribal nations and organizations including the Cocopah Tribe, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Navajo Department of Health, Dine’ Bi’ Olta School Board Association, and Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility.
-CCPS Lead Investigator
Publications, Presentations, and Grants Accordion Closed
Teams from 2018-2022 submitted 14 grant proposals, published 3 manuscripts, presented at 3 national or state conferences, organized 4 stakeholder meetings, and entered into 1 university/Tribal nation data agreement.
One CCPS funded project led to the next step in research partnership, a submission of SHERC-funded Pilot Project Program, which provides support for early stage investigators and underrepresented faculty to generate preliminary data that increases their competitiveness for for NIH and other external health and health equity-related research funding. Three additional CCPS partnerships were funded by external grants.
NAU Department Representation Accordion Closed
Previous academic partners have come from a wide range of departments and programs, including:
- Anthropology
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Community Health Mentor Program
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Education
- Educational Leadership
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Pathogen and Microbiome Institute
- Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Sustainable Communities Program
CCPS Recipient Success Stats
of researchers were early stage investigators68%
of teams continued to work together after their project funding ended75%
of teams agreed that their CCPS project helped build capacity to engage in health equity research together(Funding Rounds 1-8)
CCPS Funding Opportunity
Cohort Format and Focus on Community Based Participatory Research
CCPS is a cohort-style program where teams of community and university participants interact with and learn from each other. Program activities and workshops help partners develop their skills in community based participatory research (CBPR). CBPR is a useful framework for increasing health equity because of its collaborative nature that encourages dialogue and action between researchers and community members.
At the end of the program, partners will (1) create a poster to showcase their work at the SHERC Poster Session or (2) develop a detailed plan for sustaining the partnership. Participants are encouraged to submit a proposal to SHERC’s Pilot Project Program or other non-SHERC funding opportunity.
CCPS welcomes faculty from all fields and community partners from any focus area or organization size. Applicants are required to apply as a team. NAU investigators must be a Professor (TT or NTT, including early stage investigators), Research Professor, Clinical Professor, Teaching Professor, Professor of Practice, Lecturer, or Postdoctoral Scholar. Community partners must have held their current position for at least one year. All applications should demonstrate a connection to health equity.
CCPS Information Session
See the Resources section on this page for a presentation and recording of a previous information session.
Program participants are awarded $5000 for twelve months to engage in partnership building activities, which include small scale meetings and events that bring communities and researchers together over time.
Funds from CCPS can be used for:
- Supplies and space for community forums/discussions/workshops
- Travel expenses for partners to meet in person and with other key stakeholders
- Conference attendance for partners
- Other partnership-focused activities that are pre-approved by the CCPS program facilitators
Please note that CCPS is NOT a research grant. CCPS-funded partnerships are meant to lay the groundwork for establishing community-based projects in the future.
Application Process
View the 2024-2025 funding announcement and application guidelines.
Partnership Information
- Brief bio for lead community and lead NAU partners
- Current CV, resume, or bio-sketch for lead community and lead NAU partners
- Letters of support from the NAU and community partner’s supervisors indicating they will approve travel requests and other time investments proposed in the application.
Prepare a two-page word document (Arial 11pt font, 1/2’ margins, single space) describing the following:
- Statement of the health equity issue this partnership aims to explore/address collaboratively (1/2 page).
- Description of the partnership to date. Include unique strengths and resources for each partner (1/2 page).
- Proposed activities for partnership/project development (1/2 page). Activities must be non-research but should prepare partners to pursue research together in the future. Examples of co-learning and partnership development activities include:
- Identifying mutual interests
- Completing a literature review or looking at reports together
- Identifying gaps in need or understanding of the topic
- Attending relevant community meetings or conferences together
- Organizing and supporting travel/incentives for an advisory board
- Meeting with community and organizational stakeholders (cover travel to/from meetings)
4. In the Budget and Timeline Template:
- Use the “Budget Template” tab to enter Budget information to identify how funds will be expended.
- Use the “Timeline Template” tab to develop a clear plan/timeline illustrating how the project activities and outcomes/deliverables will lead to a potential research project, with expected dates
Ready to apply? Submit all materials here:
Funded Partnerships 2018–2024
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