The Research Infrastructure Core (RIC) for the Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative has a team of nine researchers, each with a full list of projects that they are responsible for. Though none of the researchers have halted their work, they have had to adjust to life working from home during the COVID-10 pandemic, which began more than a month ago.

Here are a few of their experiences:
Dr. Lisa J. Hardy, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology and the director of the Social Science Community Engagement Lab
“At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, global and local leaders issued guidance on physical and social distancing and sheltering in place. I immediately began a new exploratory project investigating impacts of COVID-19 on people’s everyday lives.
I have been conducting semi-structured interviews online and by phone. So far, the project has yielded substantive results on individual and community strategies for wellbeing, political and economic impacts, and perceptions of local and national responses to COVID-19. In the coming weeks I will be continuing this research and writing up results.”