Regents’ Professor Darrell Kaufman was recently elected as a fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA). Fellows are recognized for having a record of distinguished contributions to the geosciences and the GSA such as publications, applied research and teaching. Kaufman was nominated for leadership in international synthesis of Arctic climate, research on the glacial and climate history of Alaska and his applications of amino acid biogeochemistry (story credit:… Read more
SES Researcher receives $1.3 million award from DOE to study mycorrhizal associations in biofuel sorghum
The roots of most plants form symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and harnessing these symbioses could reduce irrigation and fertilizer inputs for more sustainable production of many crops, including biofuel sorghum. Regents’ Professor Nancy Johnson in the School of Earth & Sustainability was awarded $1.3 million to collaborate with researchers at the University of Georgia to study the beneficial associations between… Read more
Can forest management save us from global warming?
SES climate scientist Deborah Huntzinger recently published a paper in Science about the potential for forests to absorb our excess greenhouse gas emissions. You can learn more about challenges and solutions from her interviews with NAU News and the AZ Daily Sun.
What’s happening on the Museum Fire scar north of Flagstaff these days?
NAU SES scientists are using drones, seismometers, cameras and more to study the aftermath of Museum Fire. This NSF-funded research is critical to understanding flooding potential and debris flows on a disturbed landscape. Plus major bonus, the article in the Daily Sun is written by one of our amazing local geology alums, John Noll!
SES PhD student Lexi Riche is using her NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to study the Colorado Plateau
Check it out! Lexi’s award and her work on the origins of the Colorado Plateau’s uplift is highlighted in NAU News today.
SES paleoclimatologists author major new study showing global warming has upended 6,500 years of cooling
Learn how School of Earth and Sustainability climate scientists determined how global warming is a major new shift in long-term climate trends. Their findings were published in a major new study out this month. Check out the VERY cool infographic and NAU news story, or go straight to… Read more