School of Earth & Sustainability
See also
Be a Professional Geologist!
Interested in a career as a practicing professional geologist? NAU's Geoscience degrees may lead to professional licensure/certification. For more information contact Prof. Abe Springer or check out NAU's Professional Licensure by State table.This program may lead to licensure in 32 ASBOG member board states and 2 exam testing states, including Arizona, Utah, and California. Seventeen states are non-regulatory, including New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada ( LICENSURELicensure is granted by each individual state, when appropriate. Registered Geologists practice in accordance with requirements of individual state Geologists licensing boards. In Arizona, the Arizona State Board of Technical registration administers the national ASBOG Practice of Geology Exam and the Professional Geology Exam. For more information regarding program licensure in other states, please visit