Tune in to hear NAU Geologist Michael Smith talk to KJZZ’s The Show about past and future climate variation. Michael explains how detailed records from warm periods in the past (from the NSF-funded Green River Eocene Earth and Climate Observatory project) could help us to predict the where and when of current and… Read more
Past & Present Climate Change
Recent global warming outpaces climate changes of the past 2,000 years
SES researchers Michael Erb, Nick McKay, and Darrell Kaufman are part of a global effort to bring together all possible data about past climate variability, providing a better baseline to evaluate recent anthropogenic change. Their latest work in Nature Geoscience shows that no matter how you look at it, our current actions are causing exceptionally rapid change. Read the story in NAU News or jump straight to the paper.
Ecosystems recover more slowly from droughts
Dr. Christopher Schwalm talks to KNAU about his team’s recent research on the frequency, intensity, and recovery from drought over the last 100 years.
The first thing we found out is what drives recovery time after drought is very much linked to global warming
Accelerating discovery in paleoclimate science
Read the guest blog by Professor Darrell Kaufman at Nature.com.
I contend, however, that there’s more scientific ingenuity to a well-crafted ‘data compilation’ and more coordination behind a ‘community endorsed’ data product than meets the eye.