Student resources
Maximize your success through various resources
Statistics Review for the Psychological Sciences
Understanding basic statistics is essential for success in upper level psychology courses. This Bb Learn shell contains videos, tutorials, practice quizzes, and other resources, to help students refresh the concepts you learned in the Introduction to Statistics in Psychology (PSY230) course and hone skills in interpreting basic SPSS output. Participating in this shell is optional. There is no grade given for the shell and no requirement that students complete specific content. Students are free to choose the resources within the site that they would like to use.
NAU Academic Integrity Module
This self-paced module was created by NAU’s e-Learning Center and familiarizes students with commonly-faced issues related to academic integrity and appropriate responses to them. The module uses self-assessments, vignettes, and videos to deliver essential information. Proof of completion of the module is provided directly to students. Many faculty require evidence that this module has been completed.
Attention Matters
Do you want to learn to study more efficiently and earn higher grades? Created by Michelle Miller, Ph.D., of the Department of Psychological Sciences, and John Doherty, of the NAU e-Learning Center, this engaging module uses videos, interactive demonstrations, and other activities designed to improve your ability to learn and retain information using strategies based on psychological science. This module is free, ungraded, and takes about 2 to 3 hours to complete. This module may be of particular value to those majoring or minoring in the psychological sciences as it provides information about how we manage attention and how this affects learning.