Alan August Lew
Professor at the Department of Geography, Planning & Recreation
Education Accordion Closed
- Bachelor of Arts, Geography, University of Hawaii, Hilo, 1981
- Master of Arts, Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1983
- Master of Urban Planning, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1983
- Ph.D., University of Oregon, Eugene, 1986
- American Institute of Certified Planners, 1991
Publications Accordion Closed
- Huang, Xiang; Bao, Jigang, and Lew, A.A. 2011. Nature-based Tourism Resources Privatization in China: A System
Dynamic Analysis of Opportunities and Risks. Tourism Recreation Research 36(2): 99-111 - Lew, A.A. 2013. Scale, change and resilience in community tourism planning. Tourism Geographies 16(1): 14-22.
- Lew, A.A. 2011. Tourism’s Role in the Global Economy. Tourism Geographies 13(1): 148-151.
- Lew, A.A. and Wilkerson, Jeffrey. 1997. Settlement History and Tourism Development in Two Arizona Mountain Communities. Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 59: 87-100. (published in 1999)
- Nyaupane, Gyan, Lew, A.A., and Tatsugawa, K. 2014. Perceptions of trekking tourism and social and environmental change in Nepal’s Himalayas. Tourism Geographies 16(3): 415-437.
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Tourism
- Economic Development
- Geography
- International Studies
- Urban Planning
Alex Alvarez
Professor at the Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Education Accordion Closed
- B.S from Northland College, Sociology/Outdoor Education
- M.A from University of New Hampshire, Sociology
- Ph.D. from University of New Hampshire, Sociology
Publications Accordion Closed
- Alex Alvarez, Native America and the Question of Genocide (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014).
- Alex Alvarez, “Policing and Human Rights in the Post-Holocaust 21st Century,” International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, vol. 28, No. 1 (2004): 45-64.
- Alex Alvarez, “Justifying Genocide: The Role of Professionals in Legitimizing Mass Killing,” Idea: A Journal of Social Issues, vol. 6, no. 1. (2002).
- Alex Alvarez, Mahesh Nalla, and Ronet Bachman. “Mexican American Homicide in Phoenix, 1980-1991: a Comparative and Descriptive Analysis,” International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Spring, vol. 23, No. 1, (1999): 25-43.
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Genocidal Studies
- Human Rights
- Criminal Justice
- International Studies
- Violence
Brent Nelson
Professor at the College of Engineering, Informatics, and Applied Science
Education Accordion Closed
- B.S from University of California
- M.S from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology
Publications Accordion Closed
- J. Wilson, B.A. Nelson, D. Rosen, and J. Yen, “The effects of biological examples in idea generation,” Design Studies, 31 (2010), 169-186.
- B.A. Nelson, J. Wilson, D. Rosen and J. Yen, “Refined metrics for measuring ideation effectiveness,” Design Studies, 30 (2009) 797-743
- B.A. Nelson, W.P. King, “Modeling and Simulation of the Interface Temperature Between a Heated
Silicon Cantilever Tip and a Substrate,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophys. Eng., 12 (2008) 98-115. - B. A. Nelson and W. P. King, “Temperature Calibration of Heated Silicon Atomic Force Microscope
Cantilevers,” Sens. Act. A, 140 (2007) 51-59. - B.A. Nelson, W.P. King, “Measuring material softening with nanoscale spatial resolution using heated silicon probes,” Rev. Sci. Instrum., 78 (2007) 023702. Republished online in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 15 (7), 2007.
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Renewable Energy
- Energy Conservation
- Biometric Design
- Energy Consumption
Eric Meeks
Associate Professor at the Department of History
Education Accordion Closed
- B.A. in History (magna cum laude) from Arizona State University, May 1990
M.A in History from University of Texas at Austin, May 1996 - Ph.D in History from University of Texas at Austin, August 2001
Publications Accordion Closed
- Border Citizens: The Making of Indians, Mexicans, and Anglos in Arizona (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007)
- “Protecting the White Citizen Worker: Race, Labor, and Citizenship in South-Central Arizona, 1929-1945,” The Journal of the Southwest 48, 1 (spring 2006): 91-113.
- “The Tohono O’odham, Wage Labor, and Resistant Adaptation, 1900-1930,” The Western Historical Quarterly 34, 4 (winter 2003): 468-489.
- “Cross-Ethnic Political Mobilization and Yaqui Identity Formation in Guadalupe, Arizona,” Reflexiones: New Directions in Mexican American Studies, 1997, ed. Neil Foley (Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1998): 77-108.
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- U.S-Mexican Borderlands
- Chicano/a studies
- Race and ethnic studies
- Indigenous studies
- History
Ira Allen
Associate Professor, Department of English
Education Accordion Closed
- B.A. English from University Of Kansas, German / International Studies
- M.A. English from Indiana University Bloomington, Language and Literature
- Ph.D. English from Indiana University Bloomington, Rhetoric and Composition
Publications Accordion Closed
- Allen, I. (2022). A Non-Defensive Gun: Violence, Climate Catastrophe, and Rhetorical Education. Rhetoric and Guns (p. 218-235). Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
- Allen, I. (2020). Beginning Again: *Jericho*, *Revolution*, and Catastrophic Originalism. Representations of Political Resistance and Emancipation in Science Fiction, eds. Judith Grant and Sean Parson (p. 53-70). New York: Lexington.
- Allen, I. (2018). Who Owns Donald Trump’s Antisemitism?. Faking the News: What Rhetoric Can Teach Us About Donald J. Trump. Edited by Ryan Skinnell. (p. 53-75). Exeter: Imprint Academic.
- Allen, I. (2018). Jean-Luc Nancy: Community, Freedom, Unworking. An Encyclopedia of Communication Ethics: Goods in Contention (p. 340-344). Peter Lang.
- Allen, I. (2017). The Hegelian Spirit of Jamesian Truth: A New Old Realism. New Perspectives on Realism (p. 31-58). Mimesis International.
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Digital Media & Political Communication
- Political & Rhetorical Theory
- Politics & Religion
- Constitution-Building & Constitutionalism
- Climate Crisis & Collapsology
Leilah Danielson
Professor at the Department of History
Education Accordion Closed
- B.A in History from University of Rochester
- M.A in History from University of Texas
- Ph.D in History from University of Texas
Publications Accordion Closed
- “’Saints for this Age’: Religion and Radicalism in the American Century,” chapter 5 in Leilah Danielson, Marian Mollin, and Doug Rossinow, eds., The Religious Left in Twentieth-Century America: Doorkeepers of a Radical Faith (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018): 101-123.
- “Supernaturalism and Peace Activism: Expanding the Boundaries of Peace History,” Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research 42, no. 2 (April 2017): 185-208.
- “‘It is a Day of Judgment’: The Peacemakers, Religion, and Radicalism in Cold War America.” Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation 18, no. 2 (summer 2008): 215-48. “Christianity, Dissent, and the Cold War: A.J. Muste’s Challenge to Realism and U.S. Empire.” Diplomatic History 30, no. 4 (September 2006): 645-70.
- “The ‘Two-ness’ of the Movement: James Farmer, Nonviolence, and Black Nationalism.” Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research 29, no. 3&4 (July 2004): 430-53.
- “‘In My Extremity I Turned to Gandhi’: American Pacifists, Christianity, and Gandhian Nonviolence, 1915-1941.” Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 72, no. 2 (June 2003): 361-88.
- The Religious Left in Twentieth-Century America: Doorkeepers of a Radical Faith. Co-editor with Doug Rossinow and Marian Mollin (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018).
- American Gandhi: A.J. Muste and the History of American Radicalism in the 20th Century (Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014) [Winner of the Scott Bills Memorial Prize for Best Book in Peace History].
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Modern American Cultural and Intellectual History
- Social Movements
- Working-Class History
- U.S. Empire and Transnationalism
Luis Fernandez Jr.
Professor at the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Education Accordion Closed
- B.A in International Relations from California State University.
- M.A in Political Science from Arizona State University
- Ph.D from Arizona State University
Publications Accordion Closed
- Fernandez, L. A. (ed.) (Forth coming). The Politics of Fanaticism. Oakland: PM Press
- Fernandez, L. and Laura Huey (eds) (2012). Rethinking Policing and Justice: Exploring Alternatives to Traditional Law Enforcement, New York: Routledge Press.
- Fernandez, L. and S. Parson (2014). “Insurgency Control: Tools of Repression in the Age of Austerity”
- Fernandez, L. and C. Scholls (2014). “The Criminalization of Global Protest: The application of counter-insurgency”, in Urban (In)security: Policing in Neoliberal Times, edited by Volker Eick and Kendra Briken (Eds). Red Quill Books: Ottawa, ON.
- Brucato, B. and L Fernandez (2013). “Socio-Technical Developments in Campus Securitization: Building and Resisting the Police Apparatus” in Policing the Campus, edited by Anthony Nocella. Peter Lang Books: New York, NY.
- Fernandez, L. (2012). “Immigrant Struggles: Live, Love, and Work”, a chapter is Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis, edited by Jenna M. Loyd, Matt Michelson, Andrew Burridge. Atlanta: University of Georgia Press. (Different work from the article in Contemporary Political Theory)
- Fernandez, L. and Meghan McDowell (2012) “Sobre la Vida Insostenible in el Estado de Arizona: Immigration Y Limpieza Etnica” en la Revista Juridica Argentina, 3(2): 211-233. (A paper translated to spanish and published in an Argentinian scholarly peered reviewed journal)
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Racial and Gender Inequality
- Women and Leadership
- Managing Diversity
- Ethnic Minority Student Experiences
Michael Amundson
Professor at the Department of History
Education Accordion Closed
- B.S in History/Journalism at the University of Wyoming
- M.A in American Studies at the University of Wyoming
- Ph.D in History at the University of Nebraska
Publications Accordion Closed
- “These Men Play Real Polo: The History of an Elite Sport in the ‘Cowboy’ State, 1890-1930,” Montana: The Magazine of Western History Spring 2009: 3-22.
- “Mining the Grand Canyon to Save It: The Orphan Lode Uranium Mine and National Security,” Western Historical Quarterly 32 (Autumn 2001): 320-345.
- “The British at Big Horn: The Founding of an Elite Wyoming Community,” Journal of the West, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Winter 2001): 49-55.
- “Portrait of a Small Town: The Photographic Diary of Neligh’s Emanuel Wolfe,” Nebraska History, Vol. 79, No. 4 (Winter 1998):150-161.
- “No Longer a Home on the Range: The Booms and Busts of a Wyoming Uranium Mining Town, 1958-1985,” Western Historical Quarterly 26, Winter 1995, pp 483-505.
- “Pen Sketches of Promise: The Western Drawings of Merritt Dana Houghton,” Montana: The Magazine of Western History, Fall 1994, pp.54-65.
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- American History
- Atomic Age
- American West
- American Southwest
Paul Dutton
Professor at the Department of History
Education Accordion Closed
- B.A in Political Science from University of California, Santa Cruz
- M.A in International Economies and European Studies from John Hopkins University
- Ph.D in Modern Europe from University of California
Publications Accordion Closed
- “From Sanatoriums to Sun City: The Creation of ‘Active Retirement Living,’” Le Mouvement Social, forthcoming, spring 2016.
- “Vers un nouveau paradigme de la santé et de la sécurité au travail, ” in La Santé au travail ou le travail en question, eds Catherine Courtet and Michel Gollac, La Découverte, 2012.
- “La réforme de l’assurance maladie aux États-Unis et en France, 1993- 2004,” Histoire et Sociétés, Revue Européenne d’Histoire Sociale, no. 11 (July 2004) 49-65.
- “La Médecine libérale rencontre le médecin syndicaliste,” Bulletin d’Histoire de la Sécurité Sociale,” 49 (January, 2004) 79-98
- “Healthcare in France and the United States: Learning From Each Other,” Brookings Institution Policy Brief, August 2002.
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- European History
- International Relations
- Health Care
- France
Rosemary Papa
Professor of Education Leadership in the College of Education
Education Accordion Closed
- A.A. in Social Science from Pasadena City College
- B.A. in History from California State University
- M.A. in Educational Psychology from California State University
Publications Accordion Closed
- Papa, J., & Papa, R. (in press). Social justice: Reframing social justice for the adult learner. In R. Papa, D. Eadens and D. Eadens (Eds), Social Justice Instruction: Empowerment on the Chalkboard. Chapter 14. Springer International Publishing
- Papa, R., & Reyhner, J. Indigenous Peoples and the role of technology in language preservation: Navajo Nation. Becker, D., & Becker (Eds.), Technology for Transformation: The confluence of education technology and social justice. IAP Publishing.
- Eadens, D. W., Papa, R., & Eadens, D. M. (2014). What do educational leaders need to know to lead schools with a global focus? In S. Harris and J. Mixon (Eds), Building Cultural Community through Global Educational Leadership, Chapter 15 pp. 197 – 211.
- Allen, T., English, F., & Papa, R. (2014). A Philosophical Deconstruction of Leadership and Social Justice Associated with the High-Stakes Testing and Accountability System. In Normore, A.H., & Brooks, J.S.. (Eds.), Educational Leadership for Ethics and Social Justice: Views from the Social Sciences. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Chapter 8, pp 135-157.
- Papa, R. & Papa, J. (2012). Leading adult learners: Preparing future leaders and professional development of those they lead. Reprint in J. Tareilo and B. Bizzell (Eds.) NCPEA handbook of virtual/online instruction and programs in education leadership,
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Leadership
- Administration
- Educational Administration
- Public Administration
- Ethnic Studies
Thomas Sisk
Professor at School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability
Education Accordion Closed
- M.A. in Biology from Colorado College
- Ph.D. in Biology from Standford University
Publications Accordion Closed
- S.J. Green, K. Demes, M. Arbeider, W.J. Palen, A.K. Salomon, T.D. Sisk, M. Webster, M.E.
Ryan. In review. Oil sands and the marine environment: Current knowledge and future
challenges. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. - J.R. Romo-Leon, T.D. Sisk, A. Castellanos-Villegas, G.W. Koch, R.A. Castillo-Gámez.
Submitted. Assessing perception of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) introduction and
establishment on Wildlife Management and Conservation Units in Northwestern Mexico.
Environments. - Julie A. Kenkel, J.A., T.D. Sisk, K.R. Hultine, S.E. Sesnie, M.A. Bowker, and N.C Johnson. In
revision. Indicators of vehicular emission inputs into semi-arid roadside ecosystems. Journal
of Arid Environments. - E.M. Nowak, G.W. Schuett, T.C. Theimer, T.D. Sisk, and K. Nishikawa. 2015. Does Short-Term
Provisioning of Resources to Prey Result in Behavioral Shifts by Rattlesnakes? Journal of
Wildlife Management 79:357-372. - H. Tallis, J. Lunchenco, and 238 coauthors (including T. D. Sisk). 2015. A call for inclusive
conservation. Nature 515:27-28. [Note: This is a short comment paper that I played a small
role in preparing, but I am a co-author.] - Palen, W.J., T.D. Sisk, M.E. Ryan, J.L. Arvai, M. Jaccard, A.K. Salomon, T. Homer-Dixon, K.P.
Lertzman. 2014. Consider the global impacts of oil-sands development. Nature 510:465-466
Areas of Interest Accordion Closed
- Biology
- Environmental Management
- Conservation Planning
- Ecological Process Maintenance
- Climate Studies