MAT 108
Class information
Catalog description: Algebraic operations; simplifying expressions; functions; graphs; linear, absolute value, quadratic, cubic, square root functions; solving equations and inequalities; systems of equations. A student with credit in MAT 110 or either of the previous courses, MAT 112 or MAT 135, may not earn credit in MAT 108. All semesters. Letter grade only.
Prerequisite: (MAT 100 with a grade of P taken Fall 2013 or later) or (MAT 102X with a grade of C or better) or Math Placement Results.
General information: MAT 108 Algebra for Precalculus is a three credit-hour course designed to provide a review of fundamental concepts and skills required for successful entry into MAT 125 Precalculus.
Sections offered: every fall, spring and summer*
Course coordinator: Sarah Watson
*Summer courses must meet minimum enrollment requirements