MAT 100
Class information
Catalog description: Review of algebra topics including the simplification of algebraic expressions, solution of algebraic equations, graphing of linear equations and factoring of polynomials. Pass-fail only. May be repeated for up to 4 units of credit.
General information: MAT 100 is a two-credit hour pass-fail course requiring 150 minutes in the Lumberjack Mathematics Center each week through the completion of all course materials. 75 minutes are scheduled in Open Lab with an instructor and tutors. A minimum of 75 additional minutes are spent during Open Lab time and are flexible. A schedule is established for you to complete a set of material by the end of the semester or earlier. You progress through the material by demonstrating mastery in stages. You are allowed to work ahead of this set schedule.
Sections offered: every fall, spring and summer*
Course coordinator: Shanna Manny
*Summer courses must meet minimum enrollment requirements