Exchange programs for NAU students
See the world as an exchange student
Go abroad and enroll with a NAU partner university. Exchange programs are exceptionally affordable and allow students to become part of a foreign university’s student body.
There are two kinds of exchange programs: “bilateral” exchanges and “ISEP” exchanges.
- Bilaterals – pay housing and meals directly to the school abroad
- ISEP – pay housing and meals to NAU and get housing and meals abroad
For both program types, you pay regular NAU tuition directly to NAU. Most scholarships apply to exchanges and this is the only type of program on which you can use your tuition waivers and NAU scholarships (including but not limited to: AIMS, Dean’s, President’s, EARP). You will earn direct NAU credit and your grades from abroad will count towards your GPA.
Seats on exchange programs are limited and students’ qualifications to participate in an exchange are evaluated on a first come-first served basis.