In the News
Find out what’s happening in the Department of Biological Sciences at NAU
Premed Scholarship Opportunities for 2021-2022
There are 3 premed scholarships open for students interested in pursuing a healthcare career: Carsten Buckley Scholarship for students interested in applying to a competitive graduate healthcare program (Flyer) Russell Jones Scholarship for students interested in pursuing a career in Optometry (students not interested in optometry are also able to apply!) (Flyer) Bob J. Barber Scholarship for students interested in pursuing a career in Dentistry (students not interested in dentistry are also able to apply!) (Flyer) Visit the NAU premed…
2020 Biological Sciences Scholarship Winners
Brian Layton Cardall Memorial Scholarship Emily Palmquist In collaboration with the US Geological Survey, she investigates how riparian plant species along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park are affected by varying flood regimes as dams and flow management along the Colorado River have significantly altered the geomorphology of the river, the structure and function of plant communities, and the associated riparian animal populations (including fish and birds). Once she completes her doctorate, she looks forward to continuing her…
2019 Biological Sciences Undergraduate Awards
Department of Biological Sciences 2019 Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony 2019 April 23, 4:00-5:00 pm, Wettaw Lobby Remarks by Dr. Diana Elder, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Dr. Jason Wilder, Chair, Department of Biological Sciences Awardees Dr. Russell P. Balda Scholarship in Biology Nicole Fornabaio – Presented by: Dr. Adonna Rometo Arizona Flycasters Club Scholarship Phillip Kalaniopio – Presented by: Dr. Matthew Salanga Eugene and Margery Bayless Scholarship Kyle Ghaby –…
NAU Biology Professor Highlighted on NBC and NPR
Distinguished professor Dr. Nathan Nieto was recently highlighted by NBC Nightly News and NPR for his labs groundbreaking research on tick-borne illnesses. Read more here: NBC - 'Citizen Scientists' Take On Growing Threat Of Tick-Borne Diseases NPR - Researchers Study Thousands Of Ticks Collected By The People They Bit
Faculty, Graduate Student, and Staff Awards
May 2, 2018 Graduate Student Awards Outstanding Graduate Student in Biological Sciences Molly Bechtel Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in Biological Sciences Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award in Biological Sciences Drew Peltier Best Published Paper by a Graduate Student in Biology Rebecca Beresic-Perrins Dr. Beresic-Perrins' article: Helobdella blinni sp. n. (Hirudinida, Glossiphoniidae) a new species inhabiting Montezuma Well, Arizona, USA Outstanding Service to the Biology Department…
Jessica Guo
Michael Rotter