Contact Tau Sigma
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Tau Sigma
Delta Kappa chapter
Tau Sigma National Honor Society is exclusively for transfer students. To be eligible you must be registered in a course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree. You must have to have completed a minimum of 12 credits within two semesters of starting at NAU. You must achieve at least a GPA of 3.5 or be in the top 20% of incoming transfer students in the semester that you achieve 12 credits. More information on membership criteria can be found on the national website.
Tau Sigma is a National Honor Society with a lifetime membership. Yes, that’s correct, lifetime. You can list it on your resume for as long as you want to. To be a lifetime member of Tau Sigma – you do not have to pay yearly dues, you just pay once.
Membership dues also go towards some great scholarships; each year, every member of our chapter can apply for the national scholarships in the fall. In addition, the NAU chapter is doing book reimbursement scholarships for our own members. In the spring 2024 semester, we awarded $600.00!
Our 2024-2025 officers are:
President: Sasha Lynette
Vice President: Julie Nutter
Staff Adviser: Taylor Swenson