ON THIS PAGE Request info ON THIS PAGEResearch division core facilitiesOther research facilities and laboratoriesCollections, archives, and museumsRequest info HOW CAN WE HELP? 928-523-4340 ovpr@nau.edu NAU>Research>Services and facilitiesServices and facilities Research division core facilities Genetics Core Facility (GCF) GCF supports environmental and ecological applications of genetic technology, as well as biomedical research and studies that require molecular marker development, DNA sequencing, and genetic fingerprinting studies. Imaging and Histology Core Facility Discover the extensive digital imaging technology available at the Imaging and Histology Core Facility. Research Greenhouse Complex Learn more about the Research Greenhouse Complex, which includes eight 1,000-square-foot-greenhouse bays and more than 18,000 square feet of additional work space. Other research facilities and laboratories Amino Acid Geochronology Lab The Amino Acid Geochronology Laboratory (AAGL) specializes in analyzing amino acid enantiomers using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Arizona Climate and Ecosystems (ACE) Isotope Lab The ACE Isotope Lab supports an interdisciplinary group of researchers in ecosystem science, climate science, and geochronology. Centennial Forest The NAU Centennial Forest is NAU’s research, teaching, and demonstration forest—a cooperative venture between NAU and the Arizona State Land Department. The forest encompasses 4,000 acres in Northern Arizona ponderosa pine forest habitat. Child Speech and Language Lab The Child Speech and Language Lab (CSLL) is housed in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The researchers in this lab study early speech and language development in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Hat Ranch Located 70 miles south of the Grand Canyon, Hat Ranch provides research, teaching, and outreach opportunities for faculty, students, and partners. Laboratory for Applied Social Research (LASR) The LASR Lab provides research services for community, regional, national, and global clients and researchers. Services include survey research, telephone surveys, field interviews, and observation, and more. Program Evaluation Service Center The program evaluation group works with project teams to inform and strengthen initiatives through evaluating the effectiveness of project activities and identifying areas for improvement. The Sedimentary Records of Environmental Change Lab The Sedimentary Records of Environmental Change Laboratory analyzes physical, biological, and isotopic properties of sediment from lakes and other depositional settings to interpret past environmental and climate changes, and to provide age control. The laboratory is integrated with the Amino Acid Geochronology Laboratory, and affiliated with other analytical labs at NAU and other universities. Statistical Consulting Lab The Statistical Consulting Lab (SCL) is an internal statistical consulting service staffed by statistics faculty and graduate students from the Department of Mathematics & Statistics Technical Assistance Group Service Center The Technical Assistance Group Service Center (TAG-SC) provides comprehensive guidance and support across all stages of research, making it easier than ever to conduct impactful investigations. Walnut Creek Center for Education and Research (WCCER) WCCER offers housing and research facilities to scientists, students, and classes conducting field work. The WCCER occupies the Forest Service’s decommissioned Walnut Creek Station and administrative site. Each year a wide range of researchers, students, and public visitors use the 250-acre site, which contains Arizona uplands and riparian gallery forest. Collections, archives, and museums NAU Art Museum The Northern Arizona University Art Museum permanent collections include works by modern artists, as well as turn-of-the-twentieth-century American furniture and antiques. It features special exhibitions yearly and offers an Arts Outreach Program for Northern Arizona schoolteachers. Cline Library: special collections and archives Cline Library houses archival material which documents the history and development of the Colorado Plateau, including the Colorado Plateau Digital Archives. Cline Library also houses the university archives and the archives of the Arizona Historical Society, Northern Division. Deaver Herbarium The Deaver Herbarium is a nationally recognized botanical research collection founded in 1930. The herbarium houses ~130,000 specimens from the 1880’s to present. Museum of Northern Arizona The Museum of Northern Arizona is the only accredited museum within 150 miles of Flagstaff, and plays a vital role as interpreter of the Colorado Plateau. Northern Arizona University has a close, long-standing affiliation with the museum. Billing and scheduling system View the iLab Solutions training video