Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
A photo of students sit in a semicircle in the grass on the Flagstaff campus.

Visit Northern Arizona University

A photo of students walking together near residence hall on Flagstaff mountain campus.

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Whether you’re considering in-person academic programs or plan to attend classes online, you’ll know NAU is the right choice for you when you experience our faculty mentors, hands-on learning opportunities, and warm, collaborative community in action.

Tour our Flagstaff campus

The tallest mountains in the state and a lush forest of sky-scraping pine trees are some of the most famous hallmarks of our Flagstaff campus, but our cutting-edge facilities and historic buildings are also an integral part of what makes NAU so special.

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Explore student life at our Arizona locations and online

A photo of N A U students walking outside of the Union.

For insights into what it’s like to be a student at one of our other locations across Arizona or online, attend one of our community college sessions or learn more about student life at the Phoenix Bioscience Core.

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