Whether it’s exploring deep space or cyberspace, the human microbiome or the global ecosystem, one of the most powerful ways we make an impact is through our research.
Does exercise plus broccoli equal healthy aging?
Undergrad researchers join redox biologist Tinna Traustadóttir in a clinical study of broccoli-based interventions for healthier aging.
Modeling blood flow
Amir Arzani, director of NAU’s Cardiovascular Biomechanics Lab, studies the mechanisms behind initiation and progression of different cardiovascular diseases, developing computational models that can capture the multiscale and multiphysics nature of cardiovascular disease.
Read full storyRevolutionizing computing
NAU Associate Professor Inès Montaño and Professor Stephanie Hurst are co-leading a major collaborative initiative with the University of Arizona, funded through a $26 million NSF grant, to lay the foundations of the quantum internet.
“Farfarout” furthest ever
NAU astronomer Chad Trujillo is on a team confirming a planetoid nicknamed “Farfarout” that is almost four times farther from the Sun than Pluto, making it the most distant object ever observed in our solar system.
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