Please Contact:
Colette Davis
Mail or email completed applications to:
Colette Davis
Northern Arizona University
PO BOX 5659
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
- Recommendation forms are to be sent separately by the individuals providing recommendation.
How to apply
To apply to the program, please visit the Online Application form OR Download and submit a Paper Application Form
- Because there is no save option within the application, we encourage applicants to save their application answers to a separate document.
- All uploads should be saved in a PDF format.
Application requirements
A complete application for consideration would have supplied the following within the application form:
- An uploaded CIB or tribal enrollment verification document
- Unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended
- An essay addressing the following:
- Please submit this application with 350-word essay (1-2 pages, double spaced) explaining what your goals are, how you chose them, and why you believe the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program will help contribute to your career goals. Any personal and/or academic information you share as it relates to attaining your goals is of particular interest.
- 4 research topics of interest
- The names and email addresses of two people who can recommend you for this program.
- These two recommenders should be professionals from your academic experience like math, science, health, etc. instructors who can comment on your academic performance.
- The Bridges program staff will contact your listed recommenders with a recommenders of the possible contact from the Bridges staff.
- Recommenders can also submit the recommendation form and/or letter to the Program Coordinator, Sheena Hale.
**Incomplete applications will not be accepted.