One of the first images taken by the infrared spectrometer(EMIRS) on the Hope orbiter, co-designed by NAU scientist Christopher Edwards, the first global snapshot of the Mars atmosphere produced since the 1970s Viking mission.
UAE Mars Mission Reaches Mars With ASU/NAU Instrument Aboard

The United Arab Emirates today became the fifth space agency ever to place a spacecraft in orbit around Mars.
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ASU’s Philip Christensen developed the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS) with former student Christopher Edwards, who is now an assistant professor at NAU.
Emirates Mars Mission to reach red planet on Feb. 9 with instrument co-designed by NAU planetary scientist

The orbiter, named Hope (Al Amal in Arabic), carries three science instruments including the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS), an interferometric thermal infrared spectrometer developed by Philip Christensen of ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration with Christopher Edwards of NAU’s Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, in a partnership with the MBRSC.
Read the full article here.