Congratulations to Dr. Anna Engle, who successfully defended their doctoral dissertation entitled, Experimental Studies Involving Mixtures of Methane, Ethane, Propane, and Nitrogen with Implications for Titan. under the supervision of Stephen Tegler.
NAU Astronomy & Planetary Science In the News
Northern Arizona University team developing satellite-based wildfire detection system
Congratulations to Dr. Schuyler Borges!
Congratulations to Dr. Schuyler Borges, who successfully defended their doctoral dissertation entitled, In Situ and Remote Biosignatures From Microbial Mats in Ephemeral Streams of Fryxell Basin, Antarctica. under the supervision of Lillian Ostrach (USGS) and Ty Robinson (former faculty, now at UofA).
Northern Arizona University students conduct environmental research in new summer program at Historic Hat Ranch
Mark Salvatore, associate chair of NAU’s Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, said the program is meant to help students explore different areas… Read more
Congratulations to Dr. Andy Lopez-Oquendo!
Congratulations to Dr. Andy Lopez-Oquendo, who successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled, Characterization of Small Airless Bodies in the Near-Earth Space from Telescopes and Laboratory Perspectives. under the supervision of David Trilling.
Andy will be moving to Greenbelt, Maryland, to be NASA Postdoctoral Fellow at Goddard Space Flight Center.
Gallery: Koerner performs Rising of the Flower Moon at Buffalo Park
Astronomer-musician David Koerner sits at his Steinway grand piano Wednesday night in Buffalo Park for an evening of lunar meditations, classical piano music and telescope viewing during a free performance titled Rising of the Flower Moon. The event, part of ARTx, featured piano pieces mixed with remarks by Koerner about… Read more