A contingent of NAU folk went to Roswell, New Mexico for the Annular Eclipse of Oct. 14th.
Mary Lara (NAU Space Grant AIMER coordinator), Ed Anderson and his wife, Margie McCullough, arrived a couple of days ahead of time and worked with the 3rd – 5th grade classes at Del Norte Elementary School. The students did some hands-on modelling of the Sun-Earth-Moon system to learn about the phases of the moon and eclipses.

Ten members of the NAU astronomy club arrived on Friday afternoon and helped out at a Family Science Night featuring hands-on kid-friendly activities, plus telescope viewing at the Roswell Public Library that evening.

On Saturday morning, they set up telescopes in the Library Parking lot and treated several hundred Roswellians, to telescopic views — including two H-alpha scopes —while the librarian provided eclipse-glasses.

In addtion to Mary, Ed, and Margie, astronomy club members attending were Audrey Smith, Gavin Moriarty, Jadyn Fisher, Noah Gordon, Joseph Desjardins, Ethan Cottrell, Sheyna Peoples, Ash Ziegler, Gary Rosip and Katherine Stithem. Audrey reported back, “I hope that we inspired some of those kids to do what we are doing and I hope the club can continue to inspire many more with our events.”

L-R: Sheyna Peoples, Jayden Fisher, Ash Ziegler, Audrey Smith, Ethan Cottrell, Noah Gordon, Katherine Stithem, Joseph Desjardins, Gavin Moriarty, Gary Rosip.
See more photos in the APS Scrapbook!