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SHERC research projects
Research: Working toward solutions
SHERC research projects explore environmental factors and conditions that lead to increased risk of disease transmission and biological variables that may affect disease mortality in the underserved.
The research projects, along with the Pilot Project Program, provide important information on which to base real-world solutions to some of the most important health equity issues in the region.
Research projects
Examining gender differences in physical activity opportunities and impacts while incarcerated
Ricky Camplain, PhD
Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Center for Community Health and Engaged Research
Evaluating soluble fiber as a strategy to decrease asthma
Emily Cope, PhD
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
SSCIMA: Integrating analysis of socio-economic sub-population dynamics to improve spatial models of infectious disease
Joseph Mihaljevic, PhD
Principal Investigator
Associate Research Professor, School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems
“Defining microbiological drivers of early childhood caries in preschoolers in southern Arizona”
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor; School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems
Completed research projects Accordion Closed
“Elucidating the effects of arsenic and estrogen on wound healing”
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor of Practice, Center for Bioengineering Innovation
Co-Principal Investigator
Research Infrastructure Core Co-Lead
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
“Do Pathogen Genotypes, Carriage, and Social Network Differences Lead to Health Disparities in MRSA/MSSA Infections?”
Principal Investigator
Associate Research Professor, Department of Biological Sciences/Pathogen and Microbiome Institute
“Fibrillogenesis mediated phenotype switching of breast cancer cells”
Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
“Investigating the anti-tumor cytotoxicity of reovirus treated NK cells for cancer therapy”
Principal Investigator