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SHERC Executive Committee
The SHERC Executive Committee performs the following primary functions:
- Provide overall management, administrative and logistical support for all center activities
- Advise on trainings/workshops for grant writing, manuscript writing, clinical/translational research
- Foster mentoring for all Project Leads
- Meet with the Advisory Committee twice annually
- Facilitate statistical and methodological support (i.e. interdisciplinary approaches to addressing health disparities) through the Research Capacity Core
- Link investigators to the Community Engagement Core (CEC) to develop and build upon community partnerships and to participate in CEC webinars and training
- Review Pilot Project Proposals and recommend funding
- Ensure an interactive evaluation, assessment, and feedback system
- Develop a course of action if programmatic goals are not being met or new directions are needed
Learn more about members of the SHERC Executive Committee.
Learn more about SHERC.
Principal Investigator
Administrative Core Lead and Recruitment Core Lead
Director, Center for Community Health and Engaged Research (CHER)
Regents’ Professor, Department of Health Sciences
Community-based participatory research, HIV/AIDS & substance abuse prevention, chronic disease prevention, diverse & rural populations
Hendrik de Heer, PhD
Investigator Development Core Lead
Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences
Community-based physical activity and health promotion programs; pediatric obesity; Tribal health policy
Monica Lininger, PhD
Research Infrastructure Core Co-Lead
Associate Professor, Physical Therapy & Athletic Training
Evaluation, measurement, research methods, applied statistics
Catherine Propper, PhD
Research Infrastructure Core Co-Lead
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Affects of development, reproduction and behavior on environmental contaminants
Samantha Sabo, DrPH, MPH
Community Engagement Core Co-Lead
Associate Professor
Social and political context of chronic disease, border health, indigenous community health, Community Health Workers, social determinants of health of vulnerable populations, community-based participatory research
Nicolette Teufel-Shone, PhD
Community Engagement Core Lead
Professor of Health Sciences
Building community capacity to address health promotion in Native American communities, chronic disease prevention
Robert T. Trotter, II, PhD
Research Infrastructure Core Lead
Regents’ Professor, Anthropology
Medical anthropology, alcohol & drug addiction, corporate anthropology
Kelly Laurila, MA
Program management, program evaluation, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, training program evaluation and institutional research capacity
Heidi Wayment, PhD
Co-Investigator, Investigator Development Core and Administrative Core
Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences
Health psychology, self-identity, psychosocial predictors of health behavior, and coping with stressful life events using survey and experimental research design, multivariate statistics (SPSS), structural equation modeling (EQS), data science (R, text mining/text analysis), and network analysis (UCINet)