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CEC events, spring 2023
Join us for any of the Community Engagement Core (CEC) upcoming events.
Researcher Positionality and Human-Connected Communication
Tuesday, Jan. 31 | 9–11 a.m.
In-person in the large pod, Applied Research and Development (ARD), building #56

Led by Carmenlita Chief, MPH, Sr. Research Coordinator, SHERC Community Engagement Core;
Nicolette Teufel-Shone, PhD, Associate Director, NAU Center for Community Health and Engaged Research
This workshop will cover positionality in research and how our group identities (social, cultural, ethnic, educational, economic, etc.), experiences, values, and lived realities can influence the ways in which we meaningfully engage with communities about research and our roles as researchers. Participants will have the opportunity in this workshop to intentionally reflect on their positionality and develop a positionality statement that can be used to shape or re-shape your community-engaged research practices within the realm of health equity advancement.
CEC event registration form
Please use the following form to register for the upcoming CEC event.
Please note: Registration for CEC workshops closes one working day before the event to allow for registration processing. Registration is not automatic, and the Zoom link is sent one working day prior to the event. (For example: if the event is on Monday, registration closes Friday morning.)
Thank you for registering in advance for the CEC workshop.