Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Chemistry lab equipment

Intellectual Property Committee

The NAU Intellectual Property (IP) Committee is appointed in accordance with Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Policy 6-908 and NAU’s Intellectual Property policy. At NAU, the IP Committee:

  • reviews proposed changes to ABOR IP policy and make recommendations associated with such proposed changes to the president through the campus IP official
  • reviews proposed changes to NAU IP policy and make recommendations associated with such proposed changes to the vice president for research through the campus IP official
  • receives and hears disputes brought by employees and others with the necessary standing to bring such disputes before the Committee; deliberates; and makes recommendations for the resolution of such disputes to the president (or designee), who makes the final decision.

IP Committee members

Cindy Browder holding a beaker in the lab

Cindy Browder

Researcher, Emily Cope.

Emily Cope

Researcher Constantin Ciocanel

Constantin Ciocanel

Researcher, Kyle Winfree

Kyle Winfree

Researcher, Jason Wilder and student researcher

Jason Wilder