Intellectual Property Committee
The NAU Intellectual Property (IP) Committee is appointed in accordance with Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Policy 6-908 and NAU’s Intellectual Property policy. At NAU, the IP Committee:
- reviews proposed changes to ABOR IP policy and make recommendations associated with such proposed changes to the president through the campus IP official
- reviews proposed changes to NAU IP policy and make recommendations associated with such proposed changes to the vice president for research through the campus IP official
- receives and hears disputes brought by employees and others with the necessary standing to bring such disputes before the Committee; deliberates; and makes recommendations for the resolution of such disputes to the president (or designee), who makes the final decision.
IP Committee members
Cindy Browder
PhD, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Emily Cope
PhD, Biological Sciences
Constantin Ciocanel
PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Kyle Winfree
PhD, School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems
Jason Wilder
PhD, Vice President for Research