Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Students using laptop in classroom.

Student handbooks

Your guide to the School of Nursing

The School of Nursing at Northern Arizona University provides thorough and in-depth student handbooks for Nursing students. These are your guide for the college experience with us. Use these resources to double-check details about your college journey. All of the School of Nursing student handbooks are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact the School of Nursing.

Note: This page contains PDF documents that are currently in the process of being made fully accessible for all users. If you need assistance with accessible documents in the meantime, please contact Disability Resources.

Nursing student handbooks

Therapeutic skills checklist

Each course required in the BSN program comes with specific clinical therapeutic skills that must be passed effectively for course completion. Each student is responsible for meeting with a clinical instructor to complete these tasks.

Required textbooks

  • Traditional Book List
  • Accelerated Book List
  • CEP RN-BSN Book List
  • Graduate Book List