Contact the Department of Mechanical Engineering
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- Academic Policies
- Program of Study-Look up Mechanical Engineering under the year you started the major
- Program Requirements
- Prerequisite Flowchart
- Depth electives offering schedule
- Registrar Forms
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Enrolled students$85,880
Median annual pay in 20179%
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Design4Practice Accordion Closed
Our Design4Practice program will prepare you to enter the real world. Check out our award-winning Design4Practice program, which allows engineering undergraduates to learn the details of the product realization process by simulating a corporate engineering environment.
Mechanical Engineering requirements Accordion Closed
The mechanical engineering requirements include courses designed to give you an overview of mechanical engineering plus depth in the field and breadth in related fields.
Liberal Studies requirements Accordion Closed
The following liberal studies requirements will be met concurrently by major requirements in the mechanical engineering program:
- Foundation English composition: ENG 105 (4)
- Foundation mathematics: MAT 136 (4)
- Distribution requirements:
- Science/lab science: PHY 161/L (4) and CHM 151 (4)
- Distribution elective: PHY 262 (3)
- University requirements:
- Junior-level writing: EGR 386W (3)
- Major capstone experience: ME 486C (3)
- Liberal studies distribution requirements (18)—Social and Political Worlds (6); Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry (6) and Cultural Understanding (6)
- University Diversity Requirement (6)—This requirement may be satisfied by taking liberal studies distribution courses that are cross-listed in the US Ethnic Diversity and Global Diversity blocks.
Breadth electives (6 Units) Accordion Closed
Breadth electives, totaling 6 credit hours, are upper division (300-400 level) courses from engineering, natural sciences, business, or mathematics.
No more than one lower division course (100-200 level) can be used as a breadth elective, and only if the course is required by another major and approved by your adviser.
Depth electives (9 Units) Accordion Closed
Mechanical engineering depth electives, totaling 9 credit hours, include either ME 440 or ME 465 plus 6 units selected from any of the courses listed below, or from other 300- , 400-, or 500-level mechanical engineering courses with approval of your advisor and department. The courses below are grouped to encourage you to focus your electives in one of the two primary branches of mechanical engineering: Mechanical Design or Fluid/Thermal Sciences.
- Contact the department to see when the ME undergraduate courses are tentatively going to be offered.
- Contact the department to see when the ME graduate courses are tentatively going to be offered.
Courses Accordion Closed
Mechanical Engineering Depth Electives Tab Open
General Depth Electives Tab Closed
Breadth Electives Tab Closed
Mechanical Engineering Depth Electives Accordion Open
Mechanical design
- ME 358-System Dynamics
- ME 423-Flight Dynamics
- ME 451-Renewable Energy Systems
- ME 454-Finite Element Analysis
- ME 455-Vibrations
- ME 463-Biomechanical Engineering
- ME 465-Machine Design II
- ME 467-Manufacturing Processes
- ME 467L-Manufacturing Processes Lab
- ME 473-Biomaterials
- ME 475-Adaptive Materials and Systems
- ME 482-Advanced CAD/CAM
- ME 484-Kinematics
- EE 325-Engineering Analysis II
- EE 458-Automatic Controls
- EE 403-Electric Drives
Fluid/Thermal Sciences
- ME 425-Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
- ME 435-Wind Energy Conversion Systems
- ME 435H-Wind Energy Engineering Honors
- ME 440-Fluid Mechanics II
- ME 441-Compressible Flow
- ME 442-Aerodynamics
- ME 451-Renewable Energy Systems
- ME 456-Engineering Modeling of Nonlinear Systems
General Depth Electives Accordion Closed
Electives may only be taken once prerequisites are satisfied.
CENE courses
- CENE 376
- CENE 436
- CENE 438
- CENE 460
- CENE 477
- CENE 536
- CENE 560
- CENE 577
EE Courses
- EE 380
- EE 401
- EE 402
- EE 403
- EE 410
- EE 458
- EE 459
- EE 484
- EE 502
- EE 503
Breadth Electives Accordion Closed
- AS 301
- AS 302
- BBA 201
- BBA 303
- BBA 305W
- BIO 301
- BIO 485
- CENE 333
- CENE 336
- CENE 420
- CENE 438
- CENE 450
- CENE 470
- CENE 599
- CHM 320
- CM 403
- ECO 284
- ECO 285
- ECO 281
- ECO 464
- ECO 473
- ECO 486
- EE 325
- EE 364
- EE 380
- EE 401
- HON 293
- MAT 226
- MAT 335
- MAT 411
- MAT 431
- MGT 301
- MGT 303
- MS 301
- MS 302
- PHY 301
- PHY 331
NAU’s Mechanical Engineering program may lead to professional licensure/certification. State information can be found at NAU’s Professional Licensure by State table.