Our mechanical testing service offers comprehensive characterization of a wide range of materials. Utilizing a DHR-2 Hybrid rheometer, we ensure precise and reliable analysis to meet your needs.
Mechanical testing: from 3D printed polymer to biological tissues, synthetic blood analogs to hydrogels, our testing service covers a broad spectrum of materials.
High precision: The DHR-2 Hybrid Rheometer boasts an exceptional resolution of 0.01 um, enabling detailed characterization of material properties.
Temperature control: all testing can be performed at any set temperature or ramped/oscillated between variable temps (0 – 600 °C). Room, body, or metal annealing temperatures are most common.
Calibration: To maintain accuracy and consistency our rheometer undergoes rigorous yearly calibration.
Available tests
- Shear modulus (G)
- Compression modulus (E)
- Tension modulus (E)
- Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS)
- Ultimate suture strength (USS)
- Hardness Testing
- Poisson’s Ratio (n)
- Radial Force
- Lubricity (Friction)
- Viscosity (µ)
- Surface tension
Examples of materials previously tested
- Human/animal tissues
- Human/animal vessels
- Suture strength
- Catheters (kink and flexibility)
- Blood samples and blood analogs
- Blood vessel models (silicone, glass, 3D printed)
- Biological fluids/analogs
- Prototype parts
- Capacitive gels
- Cosmetic products
- Biomechanical actuators (metal and polymer)
- Shape memory stents, wires, meshes
Whether you require fundamental material property characterization or specialized testing for specific applications, our mechanical testing service delivers reliable results to support your research, development, and quality assurance needs.