-Erin McAnally-Trejo, Environmental Engineering & Spanish
Costs & financial aid
With NAU’s support, your education abroad is accessible.
IGP within reach
Our commitment? Keeping your education costs as low as possible, and providing resources to help students finance their education.
No program fees
IGP does not charge students to participate in the program
NAU merit scholarships
Applies during Years 4 and 5 of the program. This includes tuition waivers. Learn more at our merit scholarship page.
Your year abroad
There are additional costs associated with spending a year abroad, including travel to/from your host country, food and housing, global insurance, and your application fee. Local costs such as food and housing vary by country. Most are comparable to NAU costs and some are substantially less.
Applying for scholarships
Scholarships are offered through various sources including NAU Education Abroad, NAU Foundation, Global Languages and Cultures, and other non-NAU sources. We will help you navigate this process. Funding is out there!
Existing scholarships
All NAU merit scholarships remain in place for years 1 through 5 of the program. If you have non-NAU scholarships, we recommend you work with the scholarship provider to see if you can apply it towards your year abroad and year 5.