Ready to start your IGP journey?
Frequently asked questions
Perspective students
Can I complete IGP in less than 5 years? (shorter answer) Accordion Closed
Each student’s IGP experience is unique. Approximately 35% of science and business students can complete IGP in 4.5 years. Engineering students need the full 5-years to complete IGP.
IGP understands the 4.5 – 5-year commitment may seem long for undergraduates and their families. Remember that IGP is a no-cost program, that NAU merit scholarships apply during Year 4 and extend during Year 5, and finally that you will graduate with a stand-out resume and an experience of a lifetime.
Depending on your personal academic plan – including transfer/test out credits, your majors of choice, and general NAU requirements – you may be eligible to complete the program in under 5 years. You will need to meet all criteria and receive approval from your academic advisors and IGP staff. Contact your Region Lead if you have questions or to discuss further.
Can I complete IGP in less than 5 years? (longer answer TL:DR) Accordion Closed
Approximately 35% of science and business students complete IGP in 4.5 years. Engineering students need the full 5-years to complete IGP.
If you are entering NAU with up to 30 college credits that apply toward your degree requirements, you may be able to accelerate your year abroad to your third year at NAU and return to NAU for your fourth year and graduate. All IGP students must return to NAU following their year abroad for at least one semester. Note, to accelerate your cohort with IGP, there is an acceleration petition form that must be approved by academic advisors for both of your majors.
If you are a heritage speaker or at an advanced level in a language, this may not help you accelerate your year abroad unless you are bringing at least 18 academic credits to NAU that count toward your degree requirements.
Even if you are not bringing in enough credits to NAU to accelerate your year abroad, know that any language experience you have and/or credit you can bring in is good, as it will help ease your course as you work through a rigorous program.
IGP partners with Education Abroad to promote affordable summer opportunities to you to help keep your forward academic momentum moving in the summer months, when possible. This too will help you lighten your course load each semester, even though it may not shorten your graduation time.
IGP understands the 4.5 – 5-year commitment may seem long for undergraduates and their families. Remember that IGP is a no-cost program, that NAU merit scholarships apply during Year 4 and extend during Year 5, that additional scholarship funding exists for your year abroad, and finally that you will graduate with a stand-out resume and an experience of a lifetime.
Contact your Region Lead if you have questions or to discuss further.
In addition to taking classes, what do I have to do to be an active participant in IGP? Accordion Closed
IGP students are required to participate in a variety of programming throughout the program, complete Checkpoints (starting from level 2 to level 4) and maintain a certain level of academic performance. A full breakdown of these requirements can be found in the handbook.
What does the time commitment look like for an IGP student? Accordion Closed
With IGP, you will have two majors and IGP programming event requirements. On average, IGP students take 15 – 19 credits per semester, unless you are bringing in credit to NAU and depending on your subject major. In Years 1 and 2, you will participate in 5-7 hours of mandatory IGP programming events per year. This increases to 10 – 12 hours of programming in Year 3 as your year abroad draws nearer. IGP programming is designed to keep you on track with your academics, help you practice your global skills, work on your career development, and prepare to be successful in your immersion year abroad. The IGP experience is rigorous, but achievable.
How will I know what my internship/fieldwork abroad will be? Can I choose what it is? Accordion Closed
Your practical experience abroad will vary widely depending on your chosen major, degree, areas of interest, country/city placement, and more. Your IGP Region Lead will work closely with you during Levels 3 and 4 to define options for your internship experience. You can take a look at what some students have done for their time abroad, on the international internship webpage. If you have questions or ideas, please make an appointment to discuss more.
What language should I pick? Accordion Closed
Ask yourself what language, culture, or region of the world are you drawn to? Research the university partners available to IGP students and talk with your friends and family to get outside input.
IGP recommends continuing with a language where you already have experience. However, it is possible to begin at a 101 language level and you will need to work hard to prepare yourself for the intensity of a language immersion abroad.
IGP students are matched with a language faculty mentor in Year 2 and you will complete four language checkpoints with your mentor through the course of the program. Your language mentor will give you feedback on your language progression and tips to boost your skills.
What are the costs to go abroad? Accordion Closed
Costs can vary based on program and location. Students are encouraged to work with their Region Lead & Education Abroad Advisor on the costs of their particular program.
Typically, students can expect to pay for an application fee, tuition, student fees, airfare, accommodations, meals, books, visa expenses, personal expenses, and international health insurance costs. There may also be additional fees incurred based on the university the student attends.
Several scholarships exist for students to study abroad, which students apply for the semester before going abroad. During the year abroad, students pay the same NAU tuition as normal (with scholarships applied as normal). The extra costs are the flight to arrive at the host country and housing. Housing and meal costs are typically less than what students pay at NAU/Flagstaff and sometimes nearly half of what students pay at NAU.
What major combinations do IGP students do? Accordion Closed
Students can have any combination of a STEM, Business, or Psychology degree along with a language or culture degree. To view the degrees that IGP works with visit the following page.
What are IGP Alumni doing now? Accordion Closed
IGP Alumni can be found pursuing careers varying from medical school to GIS data science around the world. Below are some reflections from IGP Alumni.
Can Honors students participate in IGP? Accordion Closed
Yes, there are many IGP students that complete the NAU Honors program. Students can earn up to 10 Honors Credits through IGP.
How do I contact IGP? Accordion Closed
All questions can be sent to Alternatively, if you know what language and region you are interested in please feel free to reach out to the Region Lead for that area
Parents & family
Our friends over in the Education Abroad department are a wonderful resource for your questions. Linked is their resource for parents and families. Below are some additional questions you may ask about IGP specifically.
What is the difference between Interdisciplinary Global Programs (IGP) and Education Abroad (EA)? Accordion Closed
The main differences between IGP and EA are:
- IGP is a dual-degree academic program
- IGP is a full year abroad which includes course work in a global language and an internship
- IGP works with very specific partner institutions
- EA you can study abroad for varying lengths of time
- EA you can go almost any where in the world
Either option is great! It depends on if your student would like to double major and do an internship abroad, whether IGP is a good fit for them. Otherwise, EA has so many wonderful opportunities around the globe.