Appendix A: FCB code of conduct
I will be on time, prepared, attentive, and professional in my scholastic endeavors. I will take responsibility for my actions and make every effort to learn as much as possible from the educational opportunities presented to me.
I will meet my commitments to others and treat everyone with respect and civility. I will respect our learning environment and help preserve its physical condition.
I will be a reliable and honest contributor to individual and group assignments. I will not seek or help others gain unfair advantage in completing academic requirements. I understand that there are severe consequences for academic dishonesty.
Expectations of Behavior:
- Attend all classes and meetings on time
- Do not wander in and out of classes
- Participate but don’t dominate
- Pay attention
- Turn off cell phones when you are in class
- Do not use computers during lectures for non class-related purposes
- Make sure language and conversations are appropriate to the classroom setting
- Behave in a polite and professional manner
Do not engage in any act of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to:
- sharing a calculator during a quiz or exam;
- pre-programming a calculator for use during a quiz or exam unless specifically authorized by the instructor;
- using notes or books during an exam unless specifically authorized by the instructor;
- looking at another’s exam or allowing another student to look at your exam;
- exchanging exams, passing notes or text messages;
- discussing answers during an exam;
- having another take an exam for you or taking an exam for another;
- unauthorized possession of or access to examination materials by any means, including electronic transmission, theft, photocopying, electronic or failing to return exams;
- altering exams or assignments while in student’s possession for review in an attempt to obtain a more favorable grade;
- unauthorized collaboration on assignments;
- submitting the same paper or substantial portions of a paper for multiple classes;
- fabrication of information and citations;
- submitting other’s words, ideas, materials or work without properly acknowledging and appropriately referencing them;
- altering, forging, or misusing an academic record;
- electronic theft of computer programs, data, or text belonging to another.