Promote your event
Completing the event form is required for any events or activities happening inside or at the Eastburn Education Center. If you are not an affiliate of Northern Arizona University, you must be sponsored by an NAU affiliate (i.e., any student organization, faculty, or staff of NAU).

Room requests
Please email to check room availability, then complete the event form. Once submitted, it will be reviewed and you will be contacted shortly. Submission of this form does not guarantee the requested room, date, or time.

Posting announcements
If you have an event outside of the Eastburn Education Center that you would like to promote within the College of Education, please note that we do not print out paper fliers. If you would like fliers put up in the building, bring four copies to rooms 102, 161, or 179 for review. Alternatively, email fliers to be displayed on classroom building tv monitors to following the requirements listed below.

TV monitor requirements
- landscape orientation
- 1920 x 1080 pixels
- RGB Color
- 72 dpi
- .jpg file format