Office of the Dean

Meet the Dean of NAU’s College of Education
Dr. Ramona Mellott is the Dean of the College of Education (COE) at Northern Arizona University and is leading the college in developing innovative solutions to many of the challenges facing education.
Current accomplishments include work related to the accreditation of professional educational programs through CAEP; accreditation on contingency for the Combined Counseling/School Psychology doctoral program; launching a new doctoral program in Clinical Psychology; creating programs to increase student enrollment and retention with a focus on diversity enrollment; and growing enrollment in online programs.
As part of her commitment to addressing the teacher shortage, she has helped design programs in rural areas across the state, including the Grow Your Own programs across the state of Arizona and the state-funded Arizona Teachers Academy Scholarship program, which are critical in addressing teacher shortages in Arizona. Her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is evident in her work supporting the AZ K12 Center, critical to helping teachers succeed with the ultimate goal of helping all students achieve success. Dr. Mellott also serves as the Co-PI for the Arizona GEAR UP grant which is committed to increasing postsecondary access, attendance, and attainment for students from low-income communities.